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Turks And Caicos Island Visa Medical

Turks And Caicos Island Visa Medical

How are the plans going for your travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands? Have you gotten all you need for a successful trip? What about your certificate of good health form? Is that complete too?

If it is not, contact the London GP clinic at Suite 15, 117A Harley Street, London, W1G 6AT, to help you run the necessary tests and complete your form.

What the Medical Exam Involves

The medical exam needed for the completion of your Turks and Caicos island certificate for good health form includes:

  • Physical exam
  • Syphilis blood test
  • HIV
  • TB Quantiferon Gold
  • Urinalysis
  • Chest x-ray
  • ECG (30+)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Drug screen (if you are a government worker)
  • Certificate

The Cost of the Exam

To undergo your visa medicals for Turks and Caicos immigration, call our London GP clinic. If you are above 30, your test will consist of an ECG, which will increase your charge. Every government worker will need a drug screen to complete these medicals.

What You Should Bring to the Appointment

You are to bring your form to be completed by the doctor to the appointment.

When to Get the Result

Your result will be ready for collection within three working days.

How to Book

We have a platform where you can book online. When booking, please endeavor to mention ‘Turks and Caicos visa medical’ so that we can make a better arrangement for your meeting.

If you feel better placing a phone call, call us on 020 70434318 to book an appointment.