We have alphabetically arranged a list of every blood test we offer in our private clinic and the prices you will be required to pay for your results. The time taken for each result to be ready is also attached.
We would love you to know that before the blood tests, you will have to book an appointment to meet with our doctor for about 15 minutes for the sample collection. For this consultation, you will have to pay a token of £65, which will cover the sample collection, interpretation and explanation of the results to you by our GP.
Here is the alphabetical list of all our blood tests:
Allergy Profile 1 (Food & Inhalants) | 1A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 665.28 |
Allergy Profile 2 (UK Aero Allergen) | 2A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 366.85 |
Cytochrome P450 2C19 | 2C19 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 543.38 |
Allergy Profile 3 (Food) | 3A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 332.35 |
Reproductive Immunophenotype Panel | 3RF | (H)(H)(H) | 1 week | 483.00 |
Triple Swab Female STI Profile (Vaginal/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (PCR) | 3SWA | PCR swab x 3 (label by site) | 2 days | 190.33 |
Triple Swab Female STI Profile (Vaginal/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect) | 3SWA | Aptima multisite swab x 3 (label by site) | 2 days | 190.33 |
Allergy Profile 4 (Nuts & Seeds) | 4A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 470.35 |
NK Assay/Cytotoxicity Panel | 4RF | (H)(H)(H) | 1 week | 569.25 |
Allergy Profile 5 (Children’s Panel) | 5A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 332.35 |
Allergy – 5 x Single Individual Allergens | 5AL | (B) | 2 days | 181.13 |
Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase deficiency screening (Fluoropyrimidine Toxicity) | 5FU | (A) [9] | 1-2 weeks | 430.10 |
5’ Nucleotidase | 5NT | (B) | 5 days | 98.90 |
NK Assay Follow-Up Panel | 5RF | (H)(H)(H) | 1 week | 483.00 |
Allergy Profile 6 (Shellfish) | 6A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 299.00 |
TH1/TH2 Cytokine Ratio | 6RF | (H)(H)(H) [5] | 1 week | 446.20 |
Allergy Profile 7 (Finfish) | 7A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 299.00 |
Allergy Profile 8 (Cereal – singles) | 8A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 174.80 |
Haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency) – CVS | 8CVS | CVS [40] | 3 days | 750.38 |
Leucocyte Antibody Detection Panel FEMALE | 8RF | (B) | 1 week | 271.40 |
Allergy Profile 9 (Antibiotics) | 9A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 136.85 |
Haemophilia B (Factor IX deficiency) – CVS | 9CVS | CVS [40] | 3 days | 750.38 |
HLA DR Antigens | 9RF | (A)(A) | 2 weeks | 271.40 |
Allergy Profile 10 (Insects) | 10A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 212.75 |
Allergy – 10 x Single Individual Allergens | 10AL | (B) | 2 days | 350.18 |
HLA DQ Alpha Antigens | 10RF | (A)(A) | 2 weeks | 220.80 |
Allergy Profile 11 (Combined Shellfish/Finfish) | 11A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 239.78 |
11 Deoxycortisol | 11DC | (B) (Frozen) | 10 days | 224.25 |
HLA DQ Beta Antigens | 11RF | (A)(A) | 2 weeks | 220.80 |
Allergy Profile 12 (Milk & Milk Proteins) | 12A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 263.93 |
Allergy Profile 13 (Stone fruit/Rosaceae family) | 13A | (B)(B) | 2 days | 263.93 |
HLA A, B, C | 14RF | (A)(A) | 2 weeks | 337.53 |
NK Assay Panel + Intralipids | 16RF | (H)(H)(H) | 1 week | 708.98 |
16S rRNA Bacterial Gene | 16S | J | 1 week | 319.13 |
17 Hydroxyprogesterone | 17OH | (B) | 5 days | 138.00 |
KIR (Killer-like Immunoglobulin-like Receptors) Genotyping | 17RF | (A)(A)(A) | 2-3 weeks | 446.20 |
18S rRNA Fungal Gene | 18S | J | 1 week | 319.13 |
TH1/TH2 Cytokine Profile | 1TH2 | (H)(H)(H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 430.68 |
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with IVIG, Prednisolone | 20RF | (H)(H)(H) [5] | 1 week | 934.95 |
21 Hydroxylase Ab’s | 21HA | (B) (Frozen) | 10 days | 272.55 |
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with IVIG | 21RF | (H)(H)(H) [5] | 1 week | 748.08 |
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with Prednisolone | 22RF | (H)(H)(H) [5] | 1 week | 748.08 |
T Regulatory Cells | 25RF | (H) | 3 days | 691.73 |
HLA-C | 26RF | (A)(A) | 2 weeks | 220.23 |
NK (CD69) and NK Cytotoxicity | 69C | (H)(H)(H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 900.45 |
NK Cytotoxicity with suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, and NK (CD69) cell assay | 69CI | (H)(H)(H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 1058.58 |
Antithrombin Ill Activity | A111 | (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] | 3 days | 94.88 |
ADAMTS-13 Antibody | A13A | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 2 weeks | 149.50 |
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (Stool) | A1AF | RF | 10 days | 106.95 |
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (Serum) | A1AT | (B) | 1 day | 139.15 |
Alpha-1-Microglobulin | A1MG | RU [1] [22] | 10 days | 100.05 |
Alpha-2-Macroglobulins | A2MG | (B) | 5 days | 133.98 |
Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor | AA2R | (B) | 6 weeks | 121.90 |
Anti-Actin Antibodies | AAA | (B) | 5 days | 100.05 |
Atypical Antibody Screen (handwritten tube label) | AASC | (A) [22] [33] | 2 days | 67.28 |
Hepatitis A, B & C Profile | ABC | (B)(B) | 1 day | 346.73 |
Anti-Basal Ganglia Antibodies | ABGA | (B) | 3 weeks | 503.70 |
Amniocentesis – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) | ABK | AF [9] | 5-15 days | 756.70 |
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) | ABK | AF [9] | 5-15 days | 756.70 |
Prenatal Diagnosis (BOBs + Culture) | ABK or CBK | AF / CVS [9] | 3-5 days, 15 days | 756.70 |
Blood Group † | ABO | (A) [22] [33] | 2 days | 74.18 |
AmnioBOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes + common microdeletion syndromes | ABOB | AF [9] | 5 days | 299.00 |
Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG+IgM) | ACAB | (B) | 2 days | 94.88 |
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme | ACE | (B) | 1 day | 103.50 |
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme – CSF | ACEF | CSF (Frozen) | 2 weeks | 142.60 |
Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibodies | ACRA | (B) [4] | 5 days | 257.60 |
Acetone – Blood | ACTB | (A) or (H) | 6 weeks | 133.98 |
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) | ACTH | (A) (EDTA on ice, Plasma, spun and frozen within 2 hours) [41] | 1 day | 161.00 |
Acetone – Urine | ACTU | RU | 5 days | 133.98 |
Adrenal Cortex Antibodies | ACTX | (B) | 2 days | 75.33 |
Amniocentesis culture (karyotype) only | ACUL | AF [9] | 10-15 days | 517.50 |
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – culture only | ACUL | AF [9] | 10-15 days | 517.50 |
Adenosine Deaminase | AD | (A) / (B) / Fluid | 3 weeks | 345.58 |
Antidiuretic Hormone | ADH | (A)(A) (Plasma Frozen) [4] | 10 days | 188.03 |
Adiponectin | ADIP | (B) | 2 weeks | 274.85 |
Adenovirus by PCR | ADV | (A) / PCR / VS | 7 days | 323.15 |
Amoebic (E. histolytica) Antibodies | AFAT | (B) | 1 week | 62.10 |
Alpha-Fetoprotein | AFP | (B) | 1 day | 69.00 |
Gliadin Antibodies (IgG) (deamidated) (Venous) | AGAB | (B) | 2 days | 113.28 |
Glomerular Basement Membrane Abs | AGBM | (B) | 2 days | 88.55 |
Acute Viral Hepatitis Screen | AHSC | (B) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Hepatitis (Acute) Screen | AHSC | (B) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Hyaluronic Acid | AHT | (B) | 1 week | 84.53 |
Albumin | ALB | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Anti-Liver Cytosol Antibodies | ALCA | (B) | 5 days | 92.00 |
Alcohol (Medical) | ALCO | (G) [1] | 1 day | 97.75 |
Alcohol Profile 2 | ALCP | (A)(A)(B)(B)(G) RU | 5-7 days | 311.65 |
Aldosterone | ALDN | (A) or (B) | 5 days | 158.70 |
Aldolase | ALDO | (B) | 5 days | 71.88 |
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema Profile (14 allergens) | ALEC | (B)(B) | 2 days | 380.65 |
ALEX² Allergy Test (Venous) | ALEX | (B) (Serum) | 3-4 days | 380.65 |
Allergy – Individual Allergens | ALLE | (B) | 2 days | 48.30 |
Alkaline Phosphatase | ALP | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Allergic Rhinitis/Asthma Profile | ALRN | (B)(B) | 2 days | 355.35 |
Leukaemia (Rapid Acute) DNA and RNA NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | ALRP | (A) (3mL minimum) or bone marrow aspirate sample | 3 days | 824.55 |
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) (SGPT) | ALT | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Aluminium (Blood) | ALUM | [K] | 7 days | 92.00 |
Aluminium (Urine) | ALUU | RU | 1-2 weeks | 123.05 |
Amoebic (E. histolytica) PCR | AMAG | RF | 2 days | 63.25 |
Amenorrhoea Profile (Venous) | AMEN | (B) | 1 day | 172.50 |
Antimullerian Hormone (AMH) (Venous) | AMH | (B) | 1 day | 150.07 |
Amikacin Level (State dose) | AMIK | (B) [4] | 1 day | 139.15 |
Amino Acid (EDTA Plasma) | AMIN | (A) (Frozen EDTA Plasma) | 7 days | 414.58 |
Mitochondrial Antibodies | AMIT | (B) | 3 days | 62.10 |
Ammonia | AMMO | (A) (Frozen) [15] | 1 day | 108.68 |
Anti-MOG [Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein] Antibodies | AMOG | (B) | 3 weeks | 147.78 |
Amphetamines – Blood | AMPB | (B)(B) | 5 days | 104.65 |
Amitriptyline | AMTR | (A) [4] | 5 days | 132.25 |
Amylase (Venous) | AMY | (B) | 1 day | 59.23 |
Amylase lsoenzymes | AMYI | (B) | 5 days | 221.95 |
Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (titre & pattern) | ANAB | (B) | 2 days | 63.25 |
Anaemia Profile | ANAE | (A)(A)(B) | 2 days | 200.10 |
ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Abs) | ANCA | (B) | 2 days | 133.98 |
Androstanediol Glucuronide | ANDG | (B) | 3 weeks | 167.90 |
Andropause Profile | ANDP | (B)(B) | 1 day | 212.75 |
Androstenedione | ANDR | (B) | 5 days | 108.68 |
Angiotensin II | ANG2 | (A) (Frozen plasma) | 2 weeks | 170.20 |
Antenatal Profile | ANTE | (A)(A) [33] (B)(B)(B)(G) | 3 days | 676.20 |
Antimony (Urine) | ANTI | RU [30] | 10 days | 121.90 |
Alcohol Profile | AP | (A)(B)(B)(G) | 5-7 days | 230.58 |
AP50 Alternative Hemolytic Complement | AP50 | (B) (Frozen) | 2 weeks | 156.40 |
AmnioPCR only – rapid common aneuploidy diagnosis by QF-PCR | APC | AF [9] | 2 days | 335.23 |
QF-PCR rapid common aneuploidy screen | APC | AF / (A) [9] | 2 days | 335.23 |
Amniocentesis – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) | APCC | AF [9] | 2-15 days | 748.65 |
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) | APCC | AF [9] | 2-15 days | 748.65 |
Activated Protein C Resistance | APCR | (C) (Frozen) [4] [18] | 3 days | 124.78 |
Apolipoprotein E genotype – E2/E3/E4 | APEG | (A) [9] [11] | 2 weeks | 270.83 |
Alkaline Phosphatase lsoenzymes | APIE | (B) | 5 days | 139.15 |
Anti-Xa Apixaban Monitoring | APIX | (C) (Frozen)* [18] | 3 days | 138.00 |
Apolipoprotein A1 (Venous) | APOA | (B) | 3 days | 87.40 |
Apolipoprotein B (Venous) | APOB | (B) | 3 days | 87.40 |
Apolipoprotein C | APOC | (B) | 3 months | 104.65 |
Apolipoprotein E (12 hours fasting) | APOE | (B) (fasting) | 5 days | 106.95 |
Atypical Pneumonia Screen | APS | (B) | 3 days | 161.00 |
Pneumonia (Atypical) Screen | APS | (B) | 3 days | 161.00 |
Acid Phosphatase – Total | APT | (B) | 5 days | 60.38 |
Total Acid Phosphatase | APT | (B) | 5 days | 60.38 |
Aquaporin 4 Antibodies (Neuromyelitis Optica) | AQUA | (B) | 2 weeks | 317.40 |
Arbovirus Antibodies/Abs | ARBO | (B) [9] [14] | 3 weeks | 221.95 |
Arsenic (Blood) | ARS | (A) or (H) | 5 days | 96.03 |
Arsenic (Urine) | ARSE | RU [30] | 5 days | 96.03 |
Arylsulphatase A | ARYL | (H) [5] [6] | 8 weeks | 374.33 |
Anti-Sulfatide Antibodies | ASA | (B) | 5 weeks | 295.55 |
Sperm Antibodies (Serum) | ASAB | (B) | 5 days | 159.85 |
Ascariasis Serology | ASC | (B) | 5 days | 100.05 |
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies | ASCA | (B) | 2 weeks | 159.85 |
Anti-Streptolysin Titre/ASOT | ASLT | (B) | 2 days | 69.00 |
Smooth Muscle Antibodies | ASMO | (B) | 2 days | 62.10 |
Aspergillus Precipitins | ASPP | (B) | 5 days | 147.78 |
Aspartate Transaminase (AST) (SGOT) | AST | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Anti-Staphylolysin Titre (SGOT) | ASTT | (B) | 3 days | 66.13 |
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Venous) | AUAG | (B) | 1 day | 60.38 |
Autoantibody Profile I | AUTO | (B) | 2 days | 174.80 |
Avian Precipitins (11 Species) | AVIA | (B) | 5 days | 424.93 |
Vitamin B12 (Active) (Venous) | B12 | (B) | 1 day | 81.08 |
Vitamin B12 (Active)/Red Cell Folate | B12F | (A)(B) | 2 days | 128.80 |
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 Abs | B2GP | (B) | 2 days | 142.60 |
Beta 2 Microglobulin (Serum) | B2MG | (B) | 2 days | 111.55 |
Behcet’s Disease – HLA Tissue Typing B*51 | B51 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 276.58 |
HLA Tissue Typing B*51 (Behcet’s Disease) | B51 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 276.58 |
Bone Alkaline Phosphatase | BALP | (B) (Frozen) | 2 weeks | 138.00 |
BCR-ABL Diagnostic Assay | BCRD | (A) | 2 weeks | 451.95 |
BCR/ABL Quantitative – fusion gene sizes p190 + p210 | BCRQ | (A)(A) [9] | 10 days | 422.63 |
Blood Culture# | BCUL | 2 x BC [4] | 6 days + | 115.00 |
Benzene | BENZ | J [1] [6] | 3 days | 155.25 |
Hepatitis B (PCR) Genotype | BGEN | (A) or (B) | 7 days | 645.15 |
Beta-Glucuronidase (Sly Disease) | BGLU | (H)(H) [9] [4] | 8 weeks | 317.40 |
Bile Acids – Serum | BILE | (B) | 1 day | 76.47 |
Bilharzia (Schistosome) Antibody Screen | BILH | (B) [14] | 10 days | 133.98 |
Schistosome (Bilharzia) Antibodies | BILH | (B) [14] | 10 days | 133.98 |
Bilirubin (Total) | BILI | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Total Bile Acid/Bile Salts | BILS | (B) | 1 week | 97.75 |
Biotin | BIOS | (B) [7] | 5 days | 177.10 |
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) | BIOS | (B) [7] | 5 days | 177.10 |
Biotinidase | BIOT | (H) (Frozen plasma) [4] | 3 weeks | 212.75 |
Bismuth | BISM | (B) | 5 days | 185.15 |
BK Polyoma Virus by PCR | BKPV | (A)/RU | 5 days | 271.40 |
Bone Marrow (Aspirate) | BMAS | J [1] | 14 days | 610.65 |
Bone Marrow (Trephine Biopsy) | BMI | J [1] | 3 days | 738.30 |
BNP (NT-pro BNP) | BNP | (B) | 1 day | 108.68 |
Bone Screen (Bloods only) | BON2 | (B) | 1 day | 148.93 |
Bone Screen | BONE | (B) CU | 1 day | 64.97 |
Borrelia Confirmation (Immunoblot) | BORC | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 403.65 |
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgM | BORM | (B) | 2 days | 84.53 |
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgM | BORM | (B) | 2 days | 84.53 |
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgG, IgM | BORR | (B) [9] [14] | 2 days | 108.68 |
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgG, IgM | BORR | (B) [9] [14] | 2 days | 108.68 |
Blood PCR for Chromosome 13, 18, 21 and sex chromosomes | BPCR | (A) | 5 days | 307.05 |
Bromide | BROM | (B) | 3 days | 170.20 |
Brucella Serology | BRUC | (B) [9] | 2-3 weeks | 113.28 |
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) (Calculated) | BUN | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
2-Butanone GC | BUTA | RU | 7 days | 177.10 |
CA 125 (Venous) | C125 | (B) | 1 day | 146.05 |
CA 15-3 | C153 | (B) | 1 day | 146.05 |
CA 19-9 | C199 | (B) | 1 day | 146.05 |
C1 Esterase Inhibitor | C1EI | (B) | 5 days | 106.95 |
Complement C1q | C1Q | (B) | 5 days | 87.40 |
Complement C2 | C2 | (B) | 10 days | 198.95 |
C3 Complement | C3 | (B) | 1 day | 0.00 |
Complement C3 | C3 | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
C4 Complement | C4 | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Complement C4 | C4 | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Complement C5 | C5A | (B) | 2 weeks | 198.95 |
Complement C6 | C6 | (B) (Frozen)* | 5 weeks | 92.00 |
Complement C7 | C7 | (B) (Frozen)* | 5 weeks | 92.00 |
CA 72-4 | C724 | (B) | 5 days | 156.40 |
Complement C8 | C8 | (B) (Frozen)* | 5 weeks | 93.15 |
Complement C9 | C9 | (B) (Frozen)* | 5 weeks | 92.00 |
Calcium (Venous) | CA | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Colloid Antigen-2 Antibodies | CA2A | (B) | 2 weeks | 142.60 |
CA 50 | CA50 | (B) | 5 days | 181.13 |
Calcium/Creatinine Ratio | CACR | CU (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Cadmium (Blood) | CADM | (A) or (H) | 5 days | 96.03 |
Cold Agglutinin | CAGG | J [1] | 5 days | 76.47 |
Calcium + Vitamin D (Venous) | CALD | (B) | 1 day | 122.48 |
Calprotectin | CALP | QFIT sample collection device | 5 days | 111.55 |
Calprotectin (Self-collect) | CALP | QFIT sample collection device | 5 days | 111.55 |
Candida Antibodies | CANA | (B) | 5 days | 138.00 |
Candida (Culture for ID Only) | CANC | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Candida (Culture for ID + Sensitivities) | CAND | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Cannabinoids (Urine) Screen | CANN | RU | 1 day | 63.25 |
Candida auris Screen | CANS | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 118.45 |
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) | CARB | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Tegretol (Carbamazepine) | CARB | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Beta Carotene | CARO | (B) | 5 days | 159.85 |
Carotenes | CARO | (B) | 5 days | 159.85 |
Cat Scratch Fever (Bartonella IgG) | CAT | (B) | 5 days | 239.78 |
Catecholamines (Plasma) | CATE | (A)(A) (Plasma Frozen) [4] | 5 days | 142.60 |
Fluid Cytology | CATF | Fluid [4] | 3 days | 186.88 |
Calcitonin | CATO | (B) (Frozen) [4] | 1 day | 159.85 |
Cortisol Binding Globulin | CBG | (B) (Frozen) | 1 month | 147.78 |
Carboxyhaemoglobin | CBHB | (A) | 1 week | 96.03 |
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) | CBK | CVS [9] | 5-15 days | 756.70 |
CVSBOBs – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) | CBK | CVS [9] | 5-15 days | 756.70 |
CVSBOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes + common microdeletion syndromes | CBOB | CVS [9] | 5 days | 299.00 |
Voltage Gated Calcium Channel Antibodies | CCAB | (B) | 3 weeks | 309.35 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Urine (FCRU) | CCG | FCRU | 2 days | 92.00 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Urine (Self-collect) | CCG | Aptima urine | 2 days | 92.00 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – Urine | CCGT | FCRU | 2 days | 138.00 |
Anti-CCP Antibodies | CCP | (B) | 2 days | 62.10 |
CCP Antibodies (RF) | CCP | (B) | 2 days | 62.10 |
CD16 | CD16 | (A) [4] | 1 day | 142.60 |
CD19 B Cells | CD19 | (A) [4] | 1 day | 142.60 |
CD20 | CD20 | (A) [10] | 2 days | 155.25 |
CD25 | CD25 | (A) [10] | 2 days | 104.65 |
CD56 | CD56 | (A) [4] | 1 day | 100.05 |
CD57 | CD57 | (A) | 1 day | 138.00 |
NK (CD69) Cell Assay | CD69 | (H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 324.88 |
Carbohydrate Deficient Glycoprotein | CDG | (B) | 2 weeks | 337.53 |
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) (Venous) | CDT | (B) | 3 days | 185.15 |
Carcino Embryonic Antigen | CEA | (B) | 1 day | 92.00 |
Swab (Cervical) | CERS | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Caeruloplasmin | CERU | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Cystic Fibrosis (139 common variants) – reflex to Poly T when required | CFS | (A) [9] | 5-7 days | 378.93 |
Chromogranin A | CGA | (B) | 1 week | 188.03 |
Hepatitis C Genotype | CGEN | (A) or (B) | 5 days | 658.95 |
Array-CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridisation) SNP array | CGH | CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] | 10 days | 945.88 |
Comparative Genomic Hybridisation (CGH) SNP array | CGH | CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] | 10 days | 945.88 |
Postnatal SNP Array CGH | CGH | (A) (H) [9] | 10 days | 945.88 |
Prenatal SNP Array CGH | CGH | Amniotic fluid, CVS or POC [9] | 10 days | 945.88 |
Gonorrhoea – Urine | CGON | FCRU | 2 days | 92.00 |
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – Urine | CGTM | FCRU | 2 days | 138.00 |
CH50 (Classical pathway) | CH50 | (B) (Frozen) [4] | 4 days | 138.00 |
Chlamydia Species Specific (MIF) Ab Screen | CHAB | (B) | 3 days | 123.05 |
Chagas Disease Serology (S.American Trypanosomiasis) T. Cruzi | CHGA | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 173.65 |
Trypanosome (Chagas) Antibodies | CHGA | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 173.65 |
Chikungunya Virus Abs | CHIK | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 221.95 |
Anafranil (Clomipramine) | CHLO | (A) | 7 days | 139.15 |
Clomipramine (Anafranil) | CHLO | (A) | 7 days | 139.15 |
Cholesterol | CHO | (B) | 1 day | 32.20 |
Cholinesterase (Serum/Pseudo) | CHPS | (B) | 1 day | 64.97 |
Chromium (Blood) | CHRO | (A) / Trace metal / (H) | 5 days | 84.53 |
Citrate (Blood) | CITR | (B) | 5 days | 103.50 |
Campylobacter Jejuni Antibodies | CJAB | (B) | 5 days | 93.15 |
Protein 14.3.3 (Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease) | CJD | J | 5 weeks | 630.20 |
CK Isoenzymes | CKIE | (B) | 5 days | 139.15 |
CK (MB Fraction) | CKMB | (B) | 1 day | 58.08 |
Creatine Kinase (CK, CPK) | CKNA | (B) | 1 day | 41.40 |
Chloride | CL | (B) | 1 day | 29.90 |
Clobazam | CLOB | (A) | 5 days | 139.15 |
Clonazepam | CLON | (A) | 7 days | 125.93 |
Clostridium Difficile Toxin by PCR | CLOS | RF* | 2 days | 118.45 |
Coagulation Profile 2 | CLOT | (A)(C) [18] | 1 day | 125.93 |
Coagulation Profile 1 | CLPF | (C) [18] | 1 day | 96.03 |
Cytomegalovirus Avidity | CMAV | (B) | 10 days | 150.07 |
Cytomegalovirus (IgG/IgM) Antibodies | CMV | (B) | 1 day | 97.75 |
Cytomegalovirus (CMV-DNA) Amnio | CMVD | AF | 5 days | 300.15 |
CMV IgM Antibodies | CMVM | (A) (Plasma) or (B) (Serum) | 1 day | 156.40 |
Cytomegalovirus DNA (PCR) | CMVP | (A) | 5 days | 300.15 |
Cytomegalovirus Resistance | CMVR | (A) (6mls) | 21 days | 757.85 |
Cytomegalovirus (PCR) Urine | CMVU | RU | 5 days | 300.15 |
Cobalt (Blood) | COB | (A) | 5 days | 96.03 |
Cobalt (Urine) | COBA | RU [30] | 5 days | 96.03 |
C3/C4 Complement | COMP | (B) | 1 day | 104.65 |
Coombs (Direct Antiglobulin Test) | COOM | (A) | 2 days | 40.25 |
Copper (Serum) | COPP | (B) or [K] | 5 days | 71.88 |
Cortisol (Venous) | CORT | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Cotinine (Serum) | COT | (B) | 4 days | 110.40 |
Cotinine (Urine) | COTT | RU | 2 days | 83.38 |
ADAMTS-13 Activity | CP13 | (C) (Frozen) [4] [18] | 3 days | 115.00 |
Chlamydia – Urine | CPCR | FCRU | 2 days | 92.00 |
C Peptide | CPEP | (B) | 3 days | 154.10 |
Chest Pain Profile | CPP | (B) | STAT | 158.70 |
Complex PSA (Prostate Specific Ag) | CPSA | (B) | 3 days | 92.00 |
Coenzyme Q10 | CQ10 | (B) | 2 weeks | 188.03 |
Creatinine Clearance | CRCL | (B) CU | 1 day | 63.25 |
Creatinine (including eGFR) (Venous) | CREA | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
C Reactive Protein (Venous) | CRP | (B) | 1 day | 62.10 |
Cryptosporidium Detection by PCR | CRPA | RF | 2 days | 93.15 |
Cryptococcal Antigen | CRYC | Serum or CSF | 1 day | 115.00 |
Cryoglobulins | CRYO | J [6] | 10 days | 69.00 |
CSF for Microscopy and Culture | CSF | 1.5ml CSF | 1-3 days | 102.93 |
Oligoclonal Bands | CSFO | 2ml CSF + (B) | 5 days | 299.00 |
Histamine Releasing Urticaria Test | CURT | (B) | 3 weeks | 196.65 |
Urticaria Test (Histamine Releasing) | CURT | (B) | 3 weeks | 196.65 |
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) | CVPC | CVS [1] [9] | 2-15 days | 706.10 |
CVS PCR for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) | CVPC | CVS [1] [9] | 2-15 days | 706.10 |
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – culture only | CVSC | CVS [1] [9] | 10-15 days | 517.50 |
Cyfra 21-1 | CY21 | (B) | 4 days | 228.28 |
Cystatin C | CYCC | (B) | 5 days | 120.18 |
Cyclosporin | CYCL | (A) | 1 day | 155.25 |
1,25 Vitamin D | D3 | (B) * | 5-8 days | 171.35 |
Vitamin D (1, 25 Dihydroxy) | D3 | (B) * | 5-8 days | 171.35 |
Bilirubin (Direct) | DBIL | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
D-Dimers (Fibrinogen Degradation Products) | DDIT | (C) [4] | 1 day | 83.38 |
Dengue Virus Serology | DENG | (B) [9] [14] | 5 days | 142.60 |
11 Deoxycorticosterone | DEOX | (B) | 10 days | 147.78 |
Fungal investigations (superficial/dermatophyte PCR test) | DERM | Skin, Hair, Nails | 3-7 days | 93.15 |
Skin Scrapings/Mycology by PCR | DERM | Send Sample | 3-7 days | 93.15 |
22q11 & 10p14 deletion (Di George Syndrome) – BOBs only | DGB | CVS / AF / (A) [9] | 5 days | 299.00 |
DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 & 10p14) – BOBs only | DGB | CVS / AF / (A) [9] | 5 days | 299.00 |
22q11 & 10p14 deletion (Di George Syndrome) – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) | DGB, KARY | CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] | 5-15 days | 837.20 |
DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 & 10p14 deletion) – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) | DGB, KARY | CVS / AF / (A)(H) [9] | 5-15 days | 837.20 |
DHEA Sulphate (Venous) | DHEA | (B) | 1 day | 96.03 |
DHEA | DHEX | (B) | 7-10 days | 163.88 |
Dihydrotestosterone | DHT | (B)(B) | 7 days | 155.25 |
Diabetic Profile 2 | DIA2 | (A)(G) RU | 2 days | 142.60 |
Diabetic Profile 1 | DIAB | (A)(G) | 1 day | 74.18 |
Diamine Oxidase Activity | DIAM | (B) | 2 weeks | 113.28 |
Diazepam (Valium) | DIAZ | (A) | 7 days | 125.93 |
Valium (Diazepam) | DIAZ | (A) | 7 days | 125.93 |
Digoxin | DIGO | (B) | 1 day | 103.50 |
Diphtheria Antibodies | DIPH | (B) | 5 days | 100.05 |
DL1 Biochemistry Profile | DL1 | (B)(G) | 1 day | 57.50 |
DL10 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 | DL10 | (B)(B) | 3 days | 287.50 |
DL11 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 2 | DL11 | (B)(B)(B)(C) [34] | 3 days | 368.00 |
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) | DL12 | FCRU / PCR Swab / TPV | 2 days | 161.00 |
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) (Self-collect) | DL12 | Aptima urine or multisite swab | 2 days | 161.00 |
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR (7 PCR Tests from 1 Sample) | DL12 | FCRU / PCR Swab / TPV or Aptima urine / multisite swab | 2 days | 161.00 |
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR (7 PCR tests from 1 Sample) (Self-collect) | DL12 | Aptima urine or multisite swab | 2 days | 161.00 |
STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 sample) (Self-collect) | DL12 | Aptima urine or multisite swab | 2 days | 161.00 |
DL1L Biochemistry Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL1L | (B)(G) | 1 day | 63.25 |
DL2 Biochemistry (24 Parameters) & Haematology Profile | DL2 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 74.75 |
DL2L Biochemistry (24 Parameters) & Haematology Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL2L | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 80.50 |
DL3 Haematology Profile | DL3 | (A) | 1 day | 36.80 |
DL4 Biochemistry (16 Parameters) & Haematology Profile | DL4 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 69.00 |
DL4L Biochemistry (16 Parameters) & Haematology Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL4L | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 74.75 |
DL5 Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile | DL5 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 69.00 |
DL5L Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL5L | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 74.75 |
DL6 General Well Person Profile | DL6 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 149.50 |
DL6L General Well Person Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL6L | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 155.25 |
DL7 Well Man Profile | DL7 | (A) (B) (G) | 1 day | 184.00 |
DL7L Well Man Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL7L | (A) (B) (G) | 1 day | 189.75 |
DL8 Well Person Profile | DL8 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 184.00 |
DL8L Well Person Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol | DL8L | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 189.75 |
DL9F Senior Female Profile 60+ | DL9F | (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] | 2 days | 448.50 |
DL9M Senior Male Profile 60+ | DL9M | (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] | 2 days | 437.00 |
Becker/Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – deletions/duplications | DMD1 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 827.43 |
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – deletions/duplications only | DMD1 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 827.43 |
Nucleic Acid Antigen Antibodies | DNA | (B) | 2 days | 92.00 |
DNA (Double Stranded) Antibodies IgG | DNAA | (B) | 2 days | 75.33 |
Hepatitis B DNA (Viral load) | DNAB | (A) or (B) | 5 days | 329.48 |
Zygosity Testing – comparative DNA profile | DNAC | (A) (From each twin and both parents) [9] | 5 days | 765.33 |
DNA Identity Profile – 15 STR markers | DNAF | (A) [9] [11] | 10 days | 458.85 |
Identity Profile (DNA) – 15 STR markers | DNAF | (A) [9] [11] | 10 days | 458.85 |
DNA (Single Stranded) Antibodies | DNAS | (B) | 5 days | 84.53 |
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Random Urine Sample/No Chain of Custody | DOA | RU | 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) | 94.88 |
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Random Urine Sample/No Chain of Custody Plus Alcohol | DOA3 | RU | 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) | 125.93 |
Drugs of Abuse Profile – With Chain of Custody* | DOAL | RU/CoC Collection Containers [1] [2] | 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) | 150.07 |
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Without Chain of Custody | DOAN | RU [2] | 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) | 121.90 |
Drugs of Abuse from Blood without Chain of Custody | DOAP | (B) | 5 days | 186.88 |
Doxepin Level (Sinequan) | DOXE | (A) or (H) | 10 days | 139.15 |
Sinequan (Doxepin) | DOXE | (A) or (H) | 10 days | 139.15 |
Dengue Fever PCR | DPCR | (A) or (B) [9] [14] | 2 weeks | 328.33 |
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) – Urine | DPD | EMU | 4 days | 123.05 |
Propoxyphene | DPRO | RU | 5 days | 132.25 |
HLA Tissue Typing DRB1/3/4/5 | DRB1 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 276.58 |
Hepatitis Delta RNA | DRNA | (A) | 5 days | 329.48 |
Down Syndrome Risk Profile (2nd trimester) Quad | DRP | (B) DRP form [7] [8] | 5 days | 256.45 |
Down Syndrome Risk Profile with risk calculation first trimester | DRP | (B) DRP form + image of scan [7] [8] | 5 days | 256.45 |
Decidualization Score (DS) | DSRF | J (Contact lab) | 2-3 weeks | 734.85 |
Haemophilus ducreyi by PCR | DUCR | PCR | 7 days | 198.95 |
Phencyclidine (PCP) | DUST | RU | 5 days | 94.88 |
DVT/Pre-travel Screen | DVT1 | (A)(A)(B) [9] | 5 days | 329.48 |
Pre-Travel Screen (DVT) | DVT1 | (A)(A)(B) [9] | 5 days | 329.48 |
Oestrone | E1 | (B)(B) | 4 days | 123.05 |
Oestriol (Estriol) | E3 | (B)(B) | 4 days | 123.05 |
Swab (Ear) | EARS | STM | 2-4 days (Culture) 8-9 days (Fungal) – same swab | 93.15 |
Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies IgG/IgM | EBVA | (B) | 2 days | 182.85 |
Epstein-Barr Virus PCR | EBVQ | (A) | 5 days | 177.68 |
Eosinophil Cationic Protein | ECP | (B) | 7 days | 151.23 |
Anti-Xa Edoxaban Monitoring | EDOX | (C) (Frozen)* [18] | 3 days | 228.28 |
Essential Fatty Acid Profile (Red Cell) | EFAR | (A) [4] | 10 days | 223.10 |
Echinococcus (Hydatid) Antibodies | EFAT | (B) [9] [14] | 5 days | 82.23 |
Hepatitis E RNA (PCR) | EHEP | (A) | 2 weeks | 263.93 |
Ehrlichiosis Antibodies | EHRL | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 138.00 |
Elastase (RF) | ELAS | RF | 5 days | 128.80 |
Elastase (Self-collect) | ELAS | Stool/faecal container | 5 days | 128.80 |
Electrolytes | ELEC | (B) | 1 day | 41.40 |
ELF/Enhanced Liver Fibrosis | ELF | (B) | 5 days | 234.60 |
Liver Fibrosis (Enhanced Liver Fibrosis ELF) | ELF | (B) | 5 days | 234.60 |
Eosin-5 Maleimide Dye binding test for Hereditary spherocytosis (EMA)* | EMA | (A) | 2 days | 190.33 |
Extractable Nuclear Antibodies (nRNP, Sm, Ro, La, Jo1, Scl70) CENP-B | ENA | (B) | 2 days | 87.40 |
Autoantibody Profile II | ENDO | (B) | 3 days | 165.03 |
Ziwig Endotest® | ENDT | Endotest saliva collection kit | 25 days | 977.50 |
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection (RF) | EORD | RF | 2 days | 257.60 |
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection (Self-collect) | EORD | Stool/faecal container | 2 days | 257.60 |
Gastrointestinal Pathogen Profile by PCR (Self-collect) | EORD | Stool/faecal container | 2 days | 257.60 |
Erythropoietin | ERY | (B) | 4 days | 105.80 |
ESR | ESR | (A) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Urine EtG (Ethyl glucuronide) | ETG | RU | 1 week | 129.95 |
Ethosuximide | ETHO | (A) | 7 days | 88.55 |
Swab (Eye) | EYES | STM | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
FXIII A Subunit | F13S | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 14 days | 443.90 |
Factor IX Assay | F1X | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 147.78 |
Factor VIII Inhibiting Antibody | F8IA | (C)(C) [18] | 2 weeks | 147.78 |
Factor IX Inhibiting Antibody | F9IA | (C)(C) [18] | 2 weeks | 147.78 |
Factor XIII Assay | FA13 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 366.85 |
Factor II Assay | FAC2 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 94.88 |
Factor V Assay | FAC5 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 94.88 |
Factor VII Assay | FAC7 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 147.78 |
Factor VIII Assay | FAC8 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 147.78 |
Complement Factor H | FACH | (B) | 3 weeks | 194.35 |
Farmers Lung Precipitins | FARM | (B) | 5 days | 131.10 |
Fasciola Hepatica Antibodies (Liver Fluke) | FASC | (B) | 2 weeks | 166.75 |
Full Blood Count | FBC | (A) | 1 day | 56.35 |
C1 Esterase: Function & Total | FC1E | (C)(C) (Plasma Frozen) [4] [18] | 10 days | 225.98 |
FAST CT/GC – Urine | FCG | FCRU | 1 day | 124.78 |
Faecal Sugar Chromatography | FCRO | RF (Frozen) | 3 weeks | 211.60 |
FAST Chlamydia – Urine | FCT | FCRU | 1 day | 124.78 |
Iron (TIBC included) (Venous) | FE | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Ferritin (Venous) | FERR | (B) | 1 day | 96.03 |
Free Fatty Acids | FFA | (B) (Frozen) [1] | 10 days | 156.40 |
Faecal Fat (3 day) | FFAT | LF [6] | 5 days | 150.07 |
FAST Gonorrhoea – Urine | FGN | FCRU | 1 day | 124.78 |
Fibrinogen | FIB | (C) [4] [18] | 1 day | 51.18 |
Fibrotest (Liver Fibrosis) | FIBT | (B) | 2 weeks | 329.48 |
Liver Fibrosis Fibrotest | FIBT | (B) | 2 weeks | 329.48 |
Filaria (Lymphatic and Non-Lymphatic) Antibodies | FIFA | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 132.25 |
Blood Film Examination | FILM | (A) | 1 day | 41.40 |
Female Hormone Profile (Venous) | FIP | (B) | 1 day | 172.50 |
Fasting Insulin Resistance Index (FIRI) | FIRI | (B)(G) | 1 day | 98.90 |
FK506 (Tacrolimus/Prograf) | FK5 | (A) [4] | 1-2 days | 161.00 |
Tacrolimus/Prograf (FK506) | FK5 | (A) [4] | 1-2 days | 161.00 |
Faecal Lactoferrin | FLAC | RF | 5 days | 100.05 |
Insect/Worm/Ova/Cysts | FLEA | Send Specimen [9] [14] | 5 days | 120.75 |
Flecainide (Tambocor) | FLEC | (A) | 5 days | 147.78 |
FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD screening assay | FLT3 | (A) | 24 hours | 524.40 |
Synovial Fluid (for microscopy, crystals and culture) | FLU2 | SC††† | 14 days | 156.98 |
Respiratory PCR Panel (COVID-19, Flu A/B and RSV) (PCR) | FLU4 | PCR nasopharyngeal swab | 2 days | 269.68 |
Respiratory PCR Panel (COVID-19, Flu A/B and RSV) (Self-collect) | FLU4 | <p class=""p1"">Aptima multisite swab of nose/throat | 2 days | 269.68 |
Fluid Culture | FLUD | SC | 2-7 days | 132.82 |
Pleural Fluid for Culture | FLUP | SC | 7 days | 132.82 |
Folate (Serum) | FOLA | (B) | 1 day | 60.38 |
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Serum | FOLA | (B) | 1 day | 60.38 |
Anti-Xa Fondapariux Monitoring | FOND | (C) Frozen)* [18] | 3 days | 127.08 |
Trimethylaminuria (Fish Odour Syndrome) | FOS | J | 6 weeks | 447.93 |
Porphyrin (Stool) | FPOR | RF [3] | 3 weeks | 151.23 |
Protein S Free Ag | FPRS | (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] | 3 days | 81.08 |
FAST CT/GC – Rectal PCR Swab | FRCG | PCR Swab | 1 day | 124.78 |
Fructosamine | FRUC | (B) | 1 day | 55.20 |
FAST CT/GC – PCR Swab | FSCG | PCR Swab | 1 day | 124.78 |
FAST Chlamydia – PCR Swab | FSCT | PCR Swab | 1 day | 124.78 |
FAST Gonorrhoea – PCR Swab | FSGN | PCR Swab | 1 day | 124.78 |
FSH (Venous) | FSH | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
FAST Screen SHORT with Urine | FSSC | (B) FCRU | 1 day | 173.65 |
FAST Screen SHORT with Swab | FSSS | (B) PCR Swab | 1 day | 173.65 |
FAST Screen with Swab | FSWS | (B) PCR Swab | 1 day | 319.13 |
Free T3 (Venous) | FT3 | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Free T4 (Venous) | FT4 | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
FAST CT/GC – Throat PCR Swab | FTCG | PCR Swab | 1 day | 124.78 |
Testosterone (Free) (Venous) | FTES | (B) | 3 days | 129.95 |
First Trimester Maternal Screen (PAPP-A/Free Beta-hCG) | FTMS | (B) | 1 day | 104.65 |
Fungal investigations (non-superficial extended culture) | FUN | All specimens other than Skin, Hair and Nails | 3-21 days | 93.15 |
Vitamin B (Functional) | FUNC | (A)(A) or (H) | 5 days | 170.20 |
FAST Screen with Urine | FUSC | (B) FCRU | 1 day | 319.13 |
Von Willebrand Profile | FVWF | (C)(C)(C) [4] [9] [12] | 5 days | 263.93 |
Factor X Assay | FX | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 189.18 |
Factor XI Assay | FX1 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 147.78 |
Factor XII Assay | FX11 | (C) (Frozen) [9] [18] | 5 days | 147.78 |
Factor II Prothrombin – G20210A Variant | FX2 | (A) [9] | 5 days | 248.40 |
Factor V Leiden – G1691A Variant | FX5 | (A) [9] | 5 days | 248.40 |
G6PD | G6PD | (A) | 4 days | 116.15 |
Gabapentin | GABA | (B) [4] | 5 days | 117.88 |
Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies | GACA | (B) | 9 weeks | 136.85 |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD 65) | GAD | (B) | 5 days | 185.15 |
Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase | GAL1 | (H) [5] [6] | 2 weeks | 296.70 |
Galactosidase – Alpha* | GALA | J* | 6 weeks | 360.53 |
Ganglioside GM1, GD1B, GQ1B Abs | GANG | (B) | 5 days | 279.45 |
Gastric Parietal Autoantibodies | GASP | (B) | 2 days | 62.10 |
Gastrin | GAST | (A) (Plasma frozen) | 5 days | 139.15 |
Group B Strep – Vaginal and Rectal (Self-collect) | GBSX | Blue gel Amies swab x2 | 3-5 days | 63.25 |
Group B Strep – Vaginal and Rectal (STM) | GBSX | 2 x STM | 3-5 days | 63.25 |
21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CYP21A2) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 5 weeks | 862.50 |
Achromatopsia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Adenomatous Polyposis NGS Panel | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Alagille Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Alpha Thalassaemia – alpha globin gene sequencing + deletions/duplications | GENE | (A) | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Alpha Thalassaemia – multiplex PCR for common large deletions . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 3 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Genotype – PI*M, PI*S, PI*Z . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 3 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Alport Syndrome NGS Panel – full sequencing with deletions and duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Alzheimer and Dementia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Motor Neurone Disease) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Androgen Insensitivity – AR gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Angelman/Rett Syndromes NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Aniridia, Isolated – PAX6 gene sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Anophthalmia/Microphthalmia/Coloboma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Ashkenazi Breast Cancer Screen – common variants . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Screen . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Ataxia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Autoinflammation/Periodic Fever NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Batten Disease (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome – methylation studies on 11p15 imprinting domains KvDMR + H19 . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Beta Thalassaemia – beta-globin gene sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Breast Cancer – BRCA1 + BRCA2 genes only . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Breast Cancer Ashkenazi Screen – common variants . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Breast Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Brugada Syndrome/Long QT Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 4-6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
CADASIL – NOTCH3 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
CAKUT (Congenital Anomalies of Kidney & Urinary Tract) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cancer, Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cardiovascular, Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Carrier Screen (Ashkenazi Jewish) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Carrier Screen (Ashkenazi Jewish) – Partnered Report . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Carrier Screen (Pan-Ethnic) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Carrier Screen (Pan-Ethnic) – Partnered Report . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 1A – PMP22 duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
CHARGE Syndrome – CHD7 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cholestasis NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cholesterol (Familial Hypercholesterolaemia) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Colorectal Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia NGS Panel | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Congenital Myopathy NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Connective Tissue Disorders NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Craniosynostosis NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Diabetes – Obesity NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Dilated Cardiomyopathy NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – full sequencing DMD1 gene . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome NGS Panel | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Endometrial Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Epidermolysis Bullosa NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Epilepsy, Adolescent/Adult Onset Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Epilepsy, Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Fabry Disease, X-linked – GLA gene sequencing | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystropy (FSHD) – D4Z4 repeat deletion . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 9 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia NGS panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcaemia (FHH) Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6-7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Familial Mediterranean fever MEFV gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma – hotspot sequencing RET gene . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6-7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Fatty Acid Oxidation Deficiency NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Fragile X Syndrome screen – FMR1 repeat analysis PCR . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Friedreich Ataxia – frataxin gene repeat analysis . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Gaucher Disease full gene sequencing | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Gilbert Syndrome – common UGT1A1 repeat variation . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 2-3 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency – full G6PD gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 3-4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hearing Loss NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hereditary Colorectal Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hereditary Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy – PMP22 deletion analysis . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hirschprung Disease NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
HLA Tissue Typing Narcolepsy – DQB1*06:02 . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 3 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Huntington Disease – HD gene repeat analysis PCR . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hyperinsulinism NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Hyperparathyroidism – CASR sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
IDH1/2 Screening Assay . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) | 48 hours | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Intellectual Disability NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Joubert/Meckel-Gruber Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Kallmann Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Kennedy Disease (Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy) – AR repeat expansion . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Kidney/Urinary Tract Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy – m.3460G>A + m.11778G>A + m.14484T>C common variants . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (p53-related cancer predisposition) – TP53 sequencing + MLPA . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Lissencephaly NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Long QT Syndrome/Brugada Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 4-6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Lung Disorders NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Lynch Syndrome (HNPCC) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Marfan Syndrome – FBN1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Marfan Syndrome and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) Diabetes NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 12 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Meckel-Gruber/Joubert Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADM sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Melanoma Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia/Coloboma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Motor Neurone Disease (Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Mucopolysaccharidosis NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 – full MEN1 sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6-7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 – RET gene hotspot sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6-7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 – DMPK repeat PCR . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 (PROMM) – ZNF9 repeat PCR . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Narcolepsy (HLA DQB1*06:02) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 3 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Nephrotic Syndrome, Steroid-Resistant NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Nervous System/Brain Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 – NF1 + SPRED1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 8 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Noonan Syndrome and RASopathies NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Nystagmus, X-linked Infantile – FRMD7 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Osteogenesis Imperfecta NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Ovarian Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
p53-related cancer predisposition (Li-Fraumeni Syndrome) – TP53 sequencing + MLPA . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Pancreatic Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Paraganglioma/Pheochromocytoma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Parkinson-Alzheimer-Dementia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease – PLP1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Pendred Syndrome – SLC26A4 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Periodic Fever/Autoinflammation NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Peutz-Jegher Syndrome – STK11 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
POLG-Related Disorders – full POLG sequencing + deletions and duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Polycystic Kidney NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Primary Hyperoxaluria NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) | 7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Prostate Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Renal Cysts and Diabetes (RCAD) – HNF-1β sequencing exons 1-9 and dosage analysis by MLPA . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 8 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Renal/Urinary Tract Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Retinoblastoma – RB1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Rett Syndrome (MECP2 gene only) – full sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Rett/Angelman Syndromes NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Short-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADS sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Short Stature – SHOX variant screening + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 8 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Silver-Russell Syndrome – methylation studies on 11p15 imprinting domains KvDMR + H19 . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Skeletal Dysplasia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome – DHCR7 sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism) – NSD1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Spastic Paraplegia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (Kennedy Disease) – AR repeat analysis . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Spinocerebellar Ataxia – multiplex SCA1+2+3+6+7+8+10+12 +17 common repeat expansions . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 5 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Spinocerebellar Ataxia NGS Panel | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Systemic Mastocystosis – C-Kit common variants (KIT D816V) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Tay Sachs Screen . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Thyroid Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Treacher Collins Syndrome and Related Disorders NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC1 + TSC2) . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 7 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Urinary Tract/Renal Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] [11] | 4 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Usher Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADVL sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome – VHL sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Whole Genome Sequencing (solo/duo/trio) | GENE | (A) [9] [11] | 5-8 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Zellweger Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent | GENE | (A)(A) [9] | 6 weeks | BY SPECIAL REQUEST - PRICE ON APPLICATION FOR WEBSITES |
Gentamicin Assay | GENT | (B) [4] | 1 day | 132.25 |
Gamma GT | GGT | (B) | 1 day | 32.20 |
Growth Hormone (Fasting) | GH | (B) [7] [35] | 1 day | 71.88 |
HbA1c (Venous) | GHB | (A) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Globulin (Calculated) | GLOB | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Glucagon | GLUG | (A) (Plasma) | 10 days | 257.60 |
Gluten Sensitivity Profile | GLUT | (A)(B)(B) | 10 days | 424.93 |
Gonorrhoea Culture – Cervix | GONC | CS ‡ ‡ ‡ | 3-5 days | 93.15 |
Gonorrhoea Culture – Other site | GONO | CS | 3-5 days | 93.15 |
Gonorrhoea Culture – Rectal | GONR | CS | 3-5 days | 93.15 |
Gonorrhoea Culture – Throat | GONT | CS | 3-5 days | 93.15 |
Gonorrhoea Culture – Urethral | GONU | CS | 3-5 days | 93.15 |
Granulocyte Immunology | GRIM | (A)(A) (or 2 x 6ml) (B) | 2 weeks | 515.20 |
Azoospermia – karyotype + Y deletions + cystic fibrosis screen (+ polyT(5T) when clinically relevant) | GRP | (A)(H) [9] | 10-15 days | 1076.97 |
Congenital Absence of Vas Deferens – karyotype + Y deletions + cystic fibrosis screen (+ polyT(5T) when clinically relevant) | GRP | (A)(H) [9] | 10-15 days | 1076.97 |
Genetic Reproductive Profile (Male) | GRP | (A)(H) [9] | 10-15 days | 1076.97 |
Male Genetic Reproductive Profile | GRP | (A)(H) [9] | 10-15 days | 1076.97 |
Coeliac/Gluten Sensitivity Profile | GSA | (B) | 2 days | 195.50 |
Gluten Sensitivity Evaluation | GSA | (B) | 2 days | 195.50 |
Coeliac/Gluten Genetic Profile 2 | GSA2 | (A)(B) | 10 days | 410.55 |
Gluten/Coeliac Genetic Profile 2 | GSA2 | (A)(B) | 10 days | 410.55 |
Glucose Tolerance Test/OGTT | GTT | 3 x (G), 3 x RU | 1 day | 184.00 |
Glucose Tolerance with Growth Hormone | GTT + GHDF | 3 x (B) [35], 3 x (G), 3 x RU | 1 day | 306.48 |
Glucose Tolerance Test (Extended) | GTTE | 5 x (G), 5 x RU | 1 day | 301.88 |
Glucose Tolerance with Insulin | GTTI | 3 x (B), 3 x (G), 3 x RU | 1 day | 457.70 |
Glucose Tolerance Test (Short) | GTTS | 2 x (G), 2 x RU | 1 day | 117.88 |
Glucose Tolerance Test (Extended Plus) | GTTX | 7 x (G), 7 x RU | 1 day | 338.10 |
Newborn Screening Panel | GUTH | J [1] | 2 weeks | 218.50 |
Gut Hormone Profile | GUTP | (A)(A) (Frozen within 15 minutes) [41] | 3 weeks | 422.05 |
Gardnerella vaginalis by PCR | GVPC | FCRU / PCR / TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
HLA Tissue Typing A+B+C (Class I) | HABC | (A) [9] | 10 days | 713.58 |
Hepatitis A Immunity (IgG/IgM) | HAIM | (B) | 1 day | 62.10 |
Histoplasma Antigen | HANT | RU | 3 days | 202.40 |
Hantavirus Serology | HANV | (B) [9] | 10 days | 158.70 |
Haptoglobin | HAPT | (B) | 5 days | 87.40 |
Hepatitis A (IgM) | HAVM | (B) | 1 day | 59.23 |
Hepatitis A RNA by PCR | HAVR | (A) or (B) | 3 weeks | 281.75 |
Haemoglobin | HB | (A) | 1 day | 38.53 |
H. pylori Antigen – Stool (RF) | HBAG | RF | 3 days | 93.15 |
H. pylori Antigen – Stool (Self-collect) | HBAG | Stool/faecal container | 3 days | 93.15 |
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – Total | HBC | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – IgM | HBCM | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase | HBD | (B) (Frozen) | 1 week | 103.50 |
Hepatitis E IgG/IgM | HBE | (B) | 5 days | 165.03 |
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis | HBEL | (A) | 4 days | 121.90 |
Thalassaemia Screen | HBEL | (A) | 4 days | 121.90 |
Hepatitis B Immunity (IgG) (Venous) | HBIM | (B) | 1 day | 62.10 |
H. pylori Antibodies (IgG) | HBPA | (B) | 2 days | 88.55 |
Hepatitis B Resistant Mutation | HBRM | (A) or (B) | 7 days | 414.58 |
Hepatitis C Antigen (Early detection) (Venous) | HCAG | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Down Syndrome Risk Bloods only (Risk to be calculated by clinician) | HCGF/PAPA | (B) | 1 day | 104.65 |
HCG (Oncology) | HCGQ | (B) | 1 day | 69.00 |
Bicarbonate | HCO3 | (B) | 1 day | 29.90 |
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) (Venous) | HCRP | (B) | 1 day | 62.10 |
Homocysteine (Urine) | HCYS | CU | 2 weeks | 156.40 |
Hepatitis Delta Antigen | HDAG | (B) | 5 days | 179.40 |
HDL Cholesterol | HDL | (B) | 1 day | 51.18 |
HIV 1 & 2/p24Ag (Venous) | HDUO | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
HIV Screening: HIV1 & 2 Abs/p24 Ag (4th Gen) | HDUO | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
HE4 + ROMA (Earlier Detection of Ovarian Tumour) | HE4 | (B) | 1 day | 159.85 |
Hepatitis A Profile | HEPA | (B) | 1 day | 98.90 |
Hepatitis B Profile | HEPB | (B) | 1 day | 158.70 |
Hepatitis C Antibodies (Venous) | HEPC | (B) | 1 day | 121.90 |
Hepatitis Delta Antibody | HEPD | (B) | 5 days | 139.15 |
Hepatitis B ‘e’ Antigen and Antibody | HEPE | (B) | 1 day | 142.60 |
Hepatitis G (PCR) | HEPG | (A) (Frozen plasma) | 2 weeks | 245.53 |
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Thin Prep) | HERD | TPV | 5 days | 106.95 |
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Urine) | HERD | FCRU | 5 days | 106.95 |
Herpes Simplex I/II IgM | HERM | (B) | 2 days | 92.00 |
Herpes Simplex I/II Antibody Profile (IgG) | HERP | (B) | 2 days | 92.00 |
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 – Genital lesion (Self-collect) | HERS | Aptima multisite swab | 5 days | 106.95 |
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 – Oral lesion (Self-collect) | HERS | Aptima multisite swab | 5 days | 106.95 |
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 (PCR) (Oral or Genital) | HERS | PCR | 5 days | 106.95 |
Human Herpes Virus – 6 by PCR | HHV6 | (A) | 5 days | 208.73 |
Human Herpes Virus – 8 (IgG) | HHV8 | (B) | 10 days | 119.03 |
Haemophilus B Influenzae Antibodies | HINF | (B) | 5 days | 132.25 |
Hirsutism Profile | HIRP | (B) | 1 day | 212.75 |
Histone Antibodies | HISA | (B) | 5 days | 128.80 |
Histoplasmosis | HISP | (B) | 10 days | 173.65 |
Histamine (Blood) | HITT | (A) (Frozen plasma) | 5 days | 158.70 |
Histamine (Urine) | HITU | RU | 5 days | 158.70 |
HIV-1 RNA Viral Load by PCR | HIV1 | (A)(A) (2 x 6ml) | 3 days | 211.60 |
HIV-2 RNA by PCR | HIV2 | (A) | 10 days | 408.25 |
HIV Confirmation of Positive Screens (3 methodologies) | HIVC | (B) | 1 day | 159.85 |
HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance (RT & Protease) | HIVD | (A)(A) (2 x 6ml) | 21 days | 779.70 |
HIV-1 Proviral DNA | HIVP | (A) | 7 days | 496.23 |
HLA B*57:01 | HL57 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 401.35 |
HLA Tissue Typing B*57:01 high resolution | HL57 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 401.35 |
HLA Tissue Typing A | HLA | (A) [9] | 10 days | 276.58 |
HLA B27 | HLAB | (A) [9] | 3 days | 256.45 |
HLA Tissue Typing B*27 only | HLAB | (A) [9] | 3 days | 256.45 |
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/DRB1/3/4/5 | HLAF | (A) [9] | 10 days | 713.58 |
HLA Tissue Typing B | HLB | (A) [9] | 10 days | 276.58 |
HLA Tissue Typing A+B | HLBA | (A) [9] | 10 days | 437.00 |
HLA Tissue Typing C | HLC | (A) [9] | 10 days | 276.58 |
HLA Tissue Typing DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 (Class II) | HLDQ | (A) [9] | 10 days | 437.00 |
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 | HLF | (A) [9] | 10 days | 786.60 |
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/C/DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 (Class I & II) | HLFC | (A) [9] | 10 days | 932.08 |
Haemochromatosis – HFE common variants C282Y + H63D | HMD | (A) [9] | 3 days | 269.68 |
HFE gene (Haemochromatosis) – common variants C282Y + H63D | HMD | (A) [9] | 3 days | 269.68 |
Homocysteine (Quantitative) | HOMO | (B) [17] or (A) (Plasma) | 1 day | 111.55 |
HPV (28 individually typed LR & HR DNA subtypes) | HP20 | TPV | 3 days | 132.25 |
H. pylori Culture | HPCU | J | 1 month | 252.43 |
HPV (A group of 14 HR mRNA types) | HPVH | TPV | 3 days | 84.53 |
HPV (28 individually typed low risk (LR) & high risk (HR) DNA subtypes and reflexed mRNA for types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45) | HPVT | TPV | 5 days | 167.90 |
HPV (19 high risk DNA subtypes, reported as types 16, 18 or Others) (Self-collect) | HPVY | Qvintip vaginal swab | 3 days | 84.53 |
HPV (Individually typed high risk DNA subtypes) (Self-collect) | HPVZ | Qvintip vaginal swab | 3 days | 132.25 |
HRT Profile 1 | HRT | (B) | 1 day | 129.95 |
HRT Profile 2 | HRT2 | (B)(G) | 1 day | 197.80 |
Haemosiderin (Urine) | HSID | EMU | 2 weeks | 128.80 |
NK Cytotoxicity Assay | HSNK | (H)(H)(H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 760.15 |
HTLV by PCR | HTLP | (A) | 21 days | 408.25 |
HTLV 1 & 2 Abs. (Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I-II) | HTLV | (B) | 1 day | 76.47 |
Human Herpes Virus – 8 by PCR | HV8D | (A) | 5 days | 235.75 |
Homovanillic Acid (HVA) | HVA | PU | 5 days | 121.90 |
HVS | HVS | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Bilirubin (Indirect) | IBIL | (B) | 1 day | 35.08 |
Islet Cell Antibodies | ICAB | (B) | 3 days | 82.23 |
Ionised Calcium | ICPA | (B) | 5 days | 62.10 |
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies | IFAB | (B) | 2 days | 124.78 |
Immunoglobulin A | IGA | (B) | 1 day | 50.03 |
Immunoglobulin D | IGD | (B) | 5 days | 86.25 |
IgE (Total) | IGE | (B) | 1 day | 69.00 |
Immunoglobulin E – Total | IGE | (B) | 1 day | 69.00 |
Total IgE | IGE | (B) | 1 day | 69.00 |
Total Immunoglobulin E | IGE | (B) | 1 day | 69.00 |
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 | IGF2 | (B) [6] | 1 month | 369.73 |
IGF-BP3 | IGF3 | (B) (Frozen) [4] | 5 days | 138.00 |
Immunoglobulin G | IGG | (B) | 1 day | 50.03 |
B cell Clonality Assay (IgH and IgK) | IGHA | (A) or FFPE | 2 weeks | 510.60 |
Immunoglobulin M | IGM | (B) | 1 day | 50.03 |
IgVH variant analysis for CLL | IGMU | (A) | 4 weeks | 510.60 |
IgG Subclasses | IGSC | (B) | 5 days | 279.45 |
Immunofluorescence in Skin Biopsies | IHCS | Skin sample in Michels solution | 2 weeks | 613.53 |
Interleukin 10 | IL10 | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1-2 weeks | 433.55 |
Interleukin 2 | IL2 | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1-2 weeks | 261.63 |
Interleukin 28b Genotype | IL28 | (A) | 2 weeks | 502.55 |
Interleukin 4 | IL4A | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1-2 weeks | 261.63 |
Interleukin 6 | IL6 | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1-2 weeks | 261.63 |
Interleukin 8 | IL8 | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1-2 weeks | 410.55 |
Interleukin 1 Beta | ILB | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1-2 weeks | 261.63 |
C1q Binding Immune Complex | IMCP | (B) | 5 days | 121.90 |
Immune-Complexes | IMCP | (B) | 5 days | 121.90 |
Imipramine | IMIP | (A) [4] | 4 days | 117.88 |
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) | IMM | (B) | 1 day | 100.05 |
Erectile Dysfunction Profile | IMPO | (A)(B)(B)(G) | 3 days | 281.75 |
Impotence Profile | IMPO | (A)(B)(B)(G) | 3 days | 281.75 |
Insulin Antibodies | INAB | (B) | 5 days | 116.15 |
Inhibin A | INIA | (B) | 1 month | 194.35 |
Inhibin B | INIB | (B) (Day 3 of cycle, frozen) | 5 days | 172.50 |
Insulin | INSU | (B) [4] [7] | 1 day | 69.00 |
HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance (Integrase) | INTE | (A)(A) ( 2 x 6ml) | 21 days | 779.70 |
Iodine – Serum | IODI | (B) | 1 week | 133.98 |
Iron Overload Profile | IOP | (A)(B) [9] | 3 days | 346.73 |
ISAC Panel (Venous) | ISAC | (B) | 3 days | 380.65 |
Iron Status Profile (Venous) | ISP | (B) | 1 day | 111.55 |
IUCD for Culture | IUCD | Send Device | 11-12 days | 93.15 |
JC Polyoma Virus by PCR | JCPV | (A) / CSF | 5 days | 271.40 |
Potassium | K | (B) | 1 day | 32.20 |
Chromosome Analysis (Blood) | KARY | (H) [9] | 2-3 weeks | 539.35 |
1p36 Deletion Syndrome – karyotype + CGH | KARY, FISH | CVS / AF / (H) [9] | 12-17 days | 974.63 |
Phelan-McDermid Syndrome – karyotype + FISH | KARY, FISH | CVS / AF / (H) [9] | 12-17 days | 974.63 |
APTT/KCCT | KCCT | (C) [18] | 1 day | 50.03 |
Ketamine Screen | KETA | RU | 7-10 days | 177.10 |
Lactose Intolerance Gene | LACG | (A) | 2 weeks | 189.75 |
Lactate (Plasma) | LACT | (G) [16] | 1 day | 94.88 |
Lamotrigine | LAMO | (B) [4] | 5 days | 139.15 |
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) | LDH | (B) | 1 day | 41.40 |
LDL7 Subfractions | LDL7 | (B) | 10 days | 297.85 |
Lysosomal Enzyme Screen | LE | J [1] | 2 months | 896.43 |
Lead (Blood) | LEAD | (A) | 5 days | 71.88 |
Legionella Urine Antigen | LEGA | Urine with boric acid | 1 day | 119.60 |
Legionella Antibodies | LEGO | (B) | 3 days | 96.03 |
Leishmania Antibodies | LEIS | (B) | 5 days | 76.47 |
Lipoprotein Electrophoresis | LEL | (B) | 5 days | 98.90 |
Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Abs (IgM) | LEP | (B) | 5 days | 142.60 |
Leptin | LEPT | (B) (height & weight required) [19] | 5 days | 188.03 |
Levetiracetam (Keppra) | LEVE | (B) [4] | 3 days | 147.78 |
Liver Function Tests (Venous) | LFT | (B) | 1 day | 63.83 |
Lymphogranuloma Venerium (LGV) – Rectal (Self-collect)* | LGVP | Aptima multisite swab | 1-2 weeks | 136.85 |
Lymphogranuloma Venerium (LGV) (PCR) | LGVP | PCR* [42] | 1-2 weeks | 136.85 |
Luteinising Hormone (LH) (Venous) | LH | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
HIV Rapid RNA HIV-1 QUALITATIVE | LHIV | (A) (Vacutainer only) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Rapid Xpert HIV-1 RNA Qualitative – Early Detection from 10 days | LHIV | (A) (Vacutainer only) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Lipase (Venous) | LIPA | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Lipid Profile (Venous) | LIPP | (B) | 1 day | 63.83 |
Lithium | LITH | (B) | 1 day | 59.23 |
Liver Immunoblot | LIVI | (B) | 3 days | 212.75 |
Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies | LKM | (B) | 2 days | 62.10 |
Leukaemia Fusion Gene Screening Assay (Q30) | LMPX | (A) | 24 hours | 692.88 |
Anti-Xa LMWH Monitoring | LMWX | (C) (Frozen)* [18] | 3 days | 127.08 |
Lorazepam | LORA | (A) [4] | 10 days | 82.23 |
Lipoprotein (a) (Venous) | LPOA | (B) | 1 day | 70.15 |
Lactate Pyruvate Ratio | LPR | J [1] | 4-6 weeks | 166.75 |
Anti-SLA (Soluble Liver Antigen) Abs | LSA | (B) | 5 days | 142.60 |
LSD | LSD | RU | 5 days | 138.00 |
Lysosomal Storage Disorders NGS Panel – full gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent | LSDS | (A)(A) [9] | 4-6 weeks | 1078.13 |
Leukotriene E4 | LTE4 | CU (Frozen) | 3 weeks | 515.20 |
Lactose Tolerance Test | LTT | By appointment only | 1 day | 175.38 |
Hughes Syndrome | LUPA | (B)(C)(C) [4] [18] | 2 days | 133.98 |
Lupus Anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin Abs | LUPA | (B)(C)(C) [4] [18] | 2 days | 133.98 |
Lupus Anticoagulant only | LUPC | (C)(C) [9] [18] | 2 days | 87.40 |
Leukaemia Immunophenotyping | LYPT | (A) [4] [5] | 5 days | 666.43 |
Lysozyme | LYSO | (B) | 5 days | 103.50 |
CD3/CD4/CD8 | LYSS | (A) | 1 day | 295.55 |
Lymphocyte Subsets (CD3/CD4/CD8) | LYSS | (A) | 1 day | 295.55 |
Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) | M2PK | (A) (Frozen plasma) [7] | 5 days | 114.43 |
Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) | M2ST | RF [4] | 5 days | 114.43 |
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies | MAG | (B) | 5 days | 373.18 |
Malarial Antibodies (Pl. falciparum) | MALA | (B) [9] [14] | 5 days | 88.55 |
Malarial Parasites | MALP | (A) [4] [9] [14] | STAT | 71.88 |
Malarial Antibodies (species specific) | MALS | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 114.43 |
Manganese (Serum) | MANG | (B) | 5 days | 92.00 |
MBOCA in Urine | MBOC | RU | 10 days | 138.00 |
Myelin Basic Protein Antibodies | MBPA | (B) | 2 weeks | 121.90 |
Mean Cell Volume (MCV) | MCV | (A) | 1 day | 41.40 |
Carbapenemase producing organism screen | MDR | STM (rectal) | 4-5 days <sup>‡</sup> | 133.98 |
Measles Antibodies (IgM) | MEAM | (B) [9] | 2 days | 87.40 |
Measles PCR | MEAP | Buccal swab | 48 hours | 169.05 |
Measles Antibodies (IgG) Immunity | MEAS | (B) | 1 day | 87.40 |
Melatonin (Serum) | MEL | (B) (Frozen) | 5 days | 117.88 |
Meningococcal Serology (only serogroup C) | MENI | (B) | 6 weeks | 117.88 |
Menopause Profile (Venous) | MENO | (B) | 1 day | 172.50 |
Mercury (Blood) | MERC | (A) or (H) | 5 days | 71.88 |
MERS Coronavirus Test | MERS | J | 1 day | 212.75 |
Methaqualone | METQ | RU | 5 days | 48.30 |
Metronidazole Level | METR | (B) [4] | 10 days | 117.88 |
Metabolic Syndrome Profile | METS | (A)(B)(B)(G) | 9 days | 344.43 |
Methotrexate | METX | (B) | 2 days | 167.90 |
Magnesium (Serum) | MG | (B) | 1 day | 50.03 |
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation | MGE | (B) | 5 days | 198.95 |
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR | MGEN | FCRU / PCR / TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR – Urine and Vaginal (Self-collect) | MGEN | Aptima urine or multisite swab | 2 days | 106.95 |
Macrolide Resistance Test (Mgen) | MGR | FCRU / PCR | 1-2 weeks | 230.58 |
Mycoplasma genitalium Resistance – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect) | MGR | Aptima urine or multisite swab | 1-2 weeks | 230.58 |
Microfilaria Blood Film | MICF | (A) | STAT | 43.70 |
Mineral Screen | MINE | (B)[K] | 5 days | 228.28 |
Male Hormone Profile | MIPR | (B) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Methylmalonic Acid – Urine | MMA | CU | 2 weeks | 167.90 |
Methylmalonic Acid – Serum | MMAS | (B) | 5 days | 268.52 |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) | MMR | (B) | 1 day | 186.88 |
Stool for OVA Cysts & Parasites by Microscopy | MOCP | RF | 2 days | 48.30 |
Molybdenum (Serum) | MOLY | (B) | 5 days | 90.28 |
Malarial Parasites (visa, non-urgent) | MP48 | (A) | 2 days | 71.88 |
Pneumocystis jiroveci (PJP) PCR | MPCP | SC BAL‡‡ | 2-3 days | 120.75 |
Mycoplasma species – DNA | MPCR | (A) | 5 days | 260.48 |
Myeloproliferative Neoplasm NGS Screening Panel . Requires patient informed consent | MPNS | (A) (3mL minimum) or bone marrow aspirate sample | 1 week | 634.23 |
Myeloperoxidase Antibodies | MPO | (B) | 2 days | 70.15 |
Mucopolysaccharides | MPS | RU (Frozen) | 3 weeks | 161.00 |
MPOX (Virus) – Lesion (Self-collect) | MPXV | Aptima multisite swab | 2 days | 152.38 |
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site x 2 | MRS2 | Blue liquid Amies swab x 2 | 1 day | 177.68 |
MRSA PCR (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin | MRS2 | Purple liquid Amies swab x2 | 1 day | 177.68 |
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site | MRSA | Blue liquid Amies swab | 1 day | 89.13 |
MRSA Culture one swab per site | MRSW | Blue liquid Amies swab | 2 days | 63.83 |
MRSA Culture one swab per site x 2 | MRW2 | Blue liquid Amies swab x 2 | 2 days | 127.08 |
MRSA Culture (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin | MRW2 | Purple liquid Amies swab x2 | 2 days | 127.08 |
STI Profile: MSM1 (Venous) | MSM1 | (B) / FCRU / PCR Swab Throat / PCR Swab Rectal | 2 days | 248.40 |
STI Profile: MSM2 (Venous) | MSM2 | (B) / FCRU / PCR Swab Throat / PCR Swab Rectal | 3 days | 511.75 |
Testosterone (Total), LC MS Mass Spec | MSTT | (B) | 5-7 days | 129.95 |
Total Testosterone, LC MS Mass Spec | MSTT | (B) | 5-7 days | 129.95 |
Chromogranin A & B | MTAB | (A) (Frozen plasma) | 3 weeks | 329.48 |
MTHFR – common C677T + A1298C variants | MTHF | (A) [9] | 5 days | 276.58 |
Mitochondrial Antibodies M2 | MTM2 | (B) | 2 days | 272.55 |
Mumps Antibodies (IgM) | MUMM | (B) | 1 day | 87.40 |
Mumps Antibodies (IgG) | MUMP | (B) | 1 day | 87.40 |
Mycoplasma genitalium/Ureaplasma by PCR | MUPC | FCRU / PCR / TPV | 2 days | 138.00 |
Anti-MUSK Antibodies | MUSK | (B) | 2 weeks | 392.15 |
Myeloid Gene Panel . Requires patient informed consent | MVPS | (A) (3mL minimum) or bone marrow aspirate sample | 2 weeks | 760.73 |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM and IgG | MYCO | (B) | 2 days | 77.63 |
Mycophenolic Acid (Cellcept) | MYCP | (A) | 5 days | 167.90 |
Myeloma Screen | MYEL | (A)(B)(G) | 5 days | 184.00 |
Myocardial Antibodies | MYO | (B) | 1 week | 94.88 |
Myositis Panel | MYOS | (B) | 3 days | 138.00 |
Sodium | NA | (B) | 1 day | 32.20 |
Swab (Nasal) | NASS | STM | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, NK (CD69) cell assay, TH1/TH2 cytokines | NCIT | (H)(H)(H)(H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 1216.70 |
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (PCR) | NCOV | PCR Swab (nasal/pharyngeal) | 1 day | 215.05 |
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA by PCR (Self-collect) | NCOV | Aptima multisite swab of nose/throat | 1 day | 215.05 |
Neuronal Antibody (Hu, Ri, Yo, Cv2, Ma2) | NEUR | (B) | 10 days | 357.65 |
Nickel (Serum) | NICK | (B) | 5 days | 90.28 |
Nickel (Urine) | NICU | RU | 4 weeks | 96.03 |
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) – common aneuploidy screening from maternal blood | NIPT | J / Special tube [1] | 2-4 days | 339.25 |
NK Cytotoxicity with suppression, steroid, IVIg & Intralipin | NKCY | (H)(H)(H)* | Send Mon-Thurs only | 970.03 |
Natural Killer Profile 2 | NKP2 | (A) [10] | 2 days | 324.88 |
NMDA Receptor Antibodies | NMDA | (B) | 3 weeks | 262.77 |
Neurone Specific Enolase | NSE | (B) | 5 days | 211.60 |
Needle Stick Injury Profile | NSI | (B)(B) | 1 day | 220.80 |
Neurological Viral Screen | NVIR | (B)(B) | 2 days | 218.50 |
Cryptosporidium | OCP | RF | 2 days | 93.15 |
Oestradiol-17-Beta (Venous) | OEST | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Olanzapine | OLAN | (A) [4] | 5 days | 147.78 |
PEth (Phosphatidylethanol) (Venous) | PETH | (A) | 5-7 days | 129.95 |
Platelet Function Test Screen – PFA-100/200 | PFAT | J** [1] | 1 day | 190.33 |
Phenobarbitone | PHB | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Epanutin (Phenytoin) | PHEN | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Phenytoin (Epanutin) | PHEN | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Leukaemia/Lymphoma RNA Sequencing (Fusion Gene and SNV/Indel) Panel . Requires patient informed consent | PHFP | (A) | 2 weeks | 1078.13 |
Phosphate | PHOS | (B) | 1 day | 32.20 |
Anti-Phosphatidylserine Antibodies | PHTS | (B) | 5 days | 173.65 |
Pituitary Function Profile | PITF | (B)(B) [7] | 1 day | 234.60 |
Pituitary Antibodies | PITU | (B) [4] | 1 month | 119.03 |
Lp-PLA2 (PLAC) Test | PLA2 | (B) | 2 days | 142.60 |
PLAC Test (Lp-PLA2) (Venous) | PLA2 | (B) | 2 days | 142.60 |
Platelet Aggregation Studies | PLAG | J** [9] | 3 days | 385.25 |
Plasminogen | PLAS | (C) (Frozen plasma) [4] | 5 days | 103.50 |
Metanephrines (Plasma) | PMET | (A) (Frozen plasma, must be frozen within 2 hours) | 7 days | 207.58 |
Pneumococcal Antigen | PNAG | Urine with boric acid | 1 day | 120.75 |
Pneumococcal Antibody Screen | PNEU | (B) | 5 days | 129.95 |
Glycogen storage disease type 2 (Pompe) variant analysis | POMP | (A) | 4 weeks | 1193.13 |
Porphyrin (Blood) | PORP | (A) [3] | 15 days | 263.93 |
Porphyrin Full Screen (Total: Urine, Stool, Blood) | PORS | (A) RU, RF [3] | 3 weeks | 599.73 |
Oxalate (Plasma) | POXA | (A) (Frozen) | 7 days | 121.90 |
Pancreatic Peptide | PP | J | 4 weeks | 266.80 |
Screening Profile 1 – Biochemistry | PP1 | (B)(G) | 1 day | 153.53 |
Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 | PP10 | (B)(B) | 3 days | 416.88 |
Screening Profile 10 – Cardiovascular Risk 1 | PP10 | (B)(B) | 3 days | 416.88 |
Cardiovascular Risk Profile 2 | PP11 | (B)(B)(B)(C) [34] | 3 days | 502.55 |
Screening Profile 11 – Cardiovascular Risk 2 | PP11 | (B)(B)(B)(C) [34] | 3 days | 502.55 |
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) | PP12 | TPV | 2 days | 340.98 |
Screening Profile 12 – Sexual Health Screen | PP12 | FCRU / PCR / TPV | 2 days | 340.98 |
Screening Profile 2 – Haematology/Biochemistry | PP2 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Haematology Profile | PP3 | (A) | 1 day | 66.70 |
Screening Profile 3 – Haematology | PP3 | (A) | 1 day | 66.70 |
Screening Profile 4 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Short) | PP4 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 202.98 |
Screening Profile 5 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Postal) | PP5 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 202.98 |
Screening Profile 6 – Well Person | PP6 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 277.73 |
Screening Profile 7 – Well Man | PP7 | (A)(B)(G) | 1 day | 343.28 |
Screening Profile 8 – Well Person | PP8 | (A)(B)(G) | 2 days | 343.28 |
Screening Profile 9F – Senior Female | PP9F | (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] | 2 days | 613.53 |
Screening Profile 9M – Senior Male | PP9M | (A)(B)(B)(G) RU [4] | 2 days | 641.70 |
Prostate Profile (Total & Free PSA) | PR2 | (B) | 1 day | 111.55 |
Proteinase 3 Ab | PR3 | (B) | 2 days | 69.00 |
Protein C Activity | PRC | (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] | 3 days | 81.08 |
Procollagen 3 Peptide | PRCO | (B) | 5 days | 192.63 |
Pregnancy Test (Urine) | PREG | RU | 1 day | 46.58 |
Pregnenolone | PREN | (B) | 15 days | 142.60 |
Paragomius Serology | PRGM | (B) | 2 weeks | 163.88 |
Mysoline (Primidone) | PRIM | (B) [4] | 3 days | 88.55 |
Primidone (Mysoline) | PRIM | (B) [4] | 3 days | 88.55 |
Macroprolactin | PRLD | (B) | 4 days | 299.00 |
Prolactin (Macro) | PRLD | (B) | 4 days | 299.00 |
Propanalol | PRO | (B) [4] | 7 days | 132.25 |
Progesterone (Venous) | PROG | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Proinsulin | PROI | (A) (Frozen plasma) [4] | 5 days | 286.93 |
Prolactin (Venous) | PROL | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Miscarriage/Thrombotic Risk Profile | PROP | (A)(A)(B)(C)(C)(C) [18] | 5 days | 874.00 |
Thrombotic Risk Profile | PROP | (A)(A)(B)(C)(C)(C) [18] | 5 days | 874.00 |
Protein Total (Blood) | PROT | (B) | 1 day | 32.20 |
Fluoxetine (Prozac) | PROZ | (A) [4] | 5 days | 147.78 |
Protein Electrophoresis incl. immunoglobulin | PRTE | (B) | 5 days | 129.95 |
Protein S Activity | PS1 | (C) (Frozen) [4] [9] [18] | 5 days | 78.78 |
Prostate Specific Antigen (Total) (Venous)* | PSPA | (B) | 1 day | 82.23 |
Parathyroid Antibodies | PTHA | (B) | 3 weeks | 113.28 |
Parathyroid Hormone (Whole) | PTHI | (A) [4] | 1 day | 144.32 |
INR | PTIM | (C) [18] | 1 day | 35.08 |
Prothrombin Time | PTIM | (C) [18] | 1 day | 35.08 |
Parathyroid Related Peptide | PTRP | 2ml (A) Plasma frozen (Freeze immediately) [1] | 2 weeks | 189.18 |
Post-Travel Screen 1 (Up to 6 weeks post travel) | PTS | (A)(A)(B)(G) [14] | 10 days | 309.35 |
Post-Travel Screen 2 (6 weeks after travel) | PTS2 | (A)(A)(B)(B)(B)(G) [14] | 10 days | 581.90 |
Purkinje Cell Antibody (Hu and Yo) | PURK | (B) | 10 days | 76.47 |
Angelman Syndrome (Primary Screen) – methylation test | PWAM | (A) [9] | 10 days | 570.98 |
Prader-Willi Syndrome (Primary Screen) – methylation test | PWAM | (A) [9] | 10 days | 570.98 |
Coeliac Disease – HLA DQ2/DQ8 Genotype | Q2Q8 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 240.93 |
HLA Tissue Typing Coeliac Disease – DQ2/DQ8 | Q2Q8 | (A) [9] | 10 days | 240.93 |
Calprotectin/QFIT Profile (Combined) (QFIT) | QCAL | QFIT | 5 days | 177.68 |
Calprotectin/QFIT Profile (Combined) (Self-collect) | QCAL | QFIT sample collection device | 5 days | 177.68 |
QFIT/Calprotectin Profile (Combined) (QFIT) | QCAL | QFIT | 5 days | 177.68 |
QFIT/Calprotectin Profile (Combined) (Self-collect) | QCAL | QFIT sample collection device | 5 days | 177.68 |
Cystine – Quantitative (Beta-CTX) | QCYS | PU | 5 days | 150.07 |
Q Fever (C Burnetti) Antibodies | QFEV | (B) [9] | 10 days | 83.38 |
Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) | QFIT | QFIT | 1 day | 69.00 |
Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) (Self-collect) | QFIT | QFIT sample collection device | 1 day | 69.00 |
HCG (Quantitative) (Venous) | QHCG | (B) | 1 day | 70.15 |
Pregnancy (Serum) [Quantitative] | QHCG | (B) | 1 day | 70.15 |
Hepatitis C Quantification (Viral Load) | QPCR | (A) or (B) | 5 days | 286.93 |
Bleeding and Platelet Gene Panel . Requires patient informed consent | R90U | (A) (A) [9] | 12 weeks | 1309.28 |
Inherited bleeding and platelet disorders (R90) | R90U | (A) (A) | 12 weeks | 1309.28 |
Thrombophilia with a likely monogenic cause (R97) | R97U | (A) (A) | 12 weeks | 1309.28 |
Rabies Antibody | RABI | (B) | 20 days | 185.15 |
Rapid Strep PCR (incl. m/c/s) | RAPS | Blue liquid Amies swab** | 1-3 days** | 96.03 |
Folate (Red Cell) | RBCF | (A) | 2 days | 60.38 |
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Red cell | RBCF | (A) | 2 days | 60.38 |
Zinc (Whole Blood) | RBCZ | (A) or (H) | 5 days | 62.10 |
Glucose | RBG | (G) | 1 day | 33.35 |
Glucose Challenge Test/Mini-GTT | RBGM | (G) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Bence-Jones Protein | RBJP | RU or CU | 5 days | 117.88 |
Retinol Binding Protein | RBP | (B) | 3 days | 76.47 |
Magnesium (Whole blood) | RCMG | (A) or (H) | 4 days | 111.55 |
Swab (Rectal) | RECG | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Renin | RENI | (A) (Frozen plasma) [36] | 5 days | 154.10 |
Reticulocyte Count | RETC | (A) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Rheumatoid Factor (Latex Test) | RF | (B) | 3 days | 41.40 |
Rheumatology Profile 1 (Screen) | RH | (A)(B) | 2 days | 165.03 |
Rheumatology Profile 2 (Connective tissue) | RH2 | (A)(A)(B)(B) | 3 days | 487.60 |
Rheumatology Profile 3 (Rheumatoid/Basic) | RH3 | (A)(B) | 2 days | 238.63 |
Rheumatology Profile 4 (Systemic Lupus) | RH4 | (A)(B)(B) | 2 days | 366.85 |
Rheumatology Profile 5 (Mono Arthritis) | RH5 | (A)(A)(B)(B) | 3 days | 350.18 |
Rheumatology Profile 6 (Rheumatoid Plus) | RH6 | (B) | 3 days | 121.90 |
Rheumatology Profile 7 (Sjogren’s Syndrome) | RH7 | (B) | 15 days | 121.90 |
Sjogren’s Syndrome | RH7 | (B) | 15 days | 121.90 |
HIV Rapid RNA HIV-1 QUANTITATIVE | RHIV | (A) (Vacutainer only) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Rapid Xpert HIV-1 RNS Viral Load – Rapid Testing for HIV-Positive Patient Prognosis and Response To Antiretroviral Therapy | RHIV | (A) (Vacutainer only) | 1 day | 211.60 |
Hepatitis C Abs Confirmation (RIBA) | RIBA | (B) | 5 days | 216.78 |
Rickettsial Species Antibody Profile | RICK | (B) | 7 days | 133.98 |
Risperidone | RISP | (A) [4] | 7 days | 227.13 |
Anti-Xa Rivaroxaban Monitoring | RIVA | (C) (Frozen)* [18] | 3 days | 138.00 |
Mineral Screen (Whole blood) | RMIN | (H)(H) | 5 days | 248.40 |
Recurrent Miscarriage Profile (female) | RMP | (A)(A)(B)(C)(C)(C)(H) [9] [18] | 10-15 days | 1277.08 |
RNA Polymerase Antibodies | RNAP | (B) | 3 days | 81.65 |
Osmolality (Urine) | ROSM | RU | 1 day | 59.23 |
Rotavirus in Stool by PCR | ROTA | RF | 1 day | 119.60 |
Porphyrin (Urine) | RPOR | RU [3] | 3 weeks | 194.35 |
RPR (Syphilis) | RPR | (B) | 2 days | 46.58 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Rectal (PCR) | RSCG | PCR | 2 days | 92.00 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Rectal (Self-collect) | RSCG | Aptima multisite swab | 2 days | 92.00 |
Renal Calculi Screen (Metabolic) | RSPR | J [6] | 5 days | 212.75 |
Gall Stone Analysis | RSTA | STONE | 10 days | 219.65 |
Renal Stone Analysis | RSTA | STONE | 10 days | 219.65 |
Reverse T3 | RT3 | (B) [7] [37] | 15 days | 156.40 |
T3 (Reverse) | RT3 | (B) [7] [37] | 15 days | 156.40 |
Retrograde Ejaculation | RTRO | Contact lab | 2 days | 113.28 |
5 HIAA | RU5H | PU (collect on acid) [1] | 5 days | 119.03 |
Aminolevulinic Acid (Urine) | RUAL | 100mls PU | 5 days | 81.08 |
Rubella Avidity | RUAV | (B) | 1 week | 173.65 |
Rubella Antibody (IgG) | RUBE | (B) | 1 day | 64.97 |
Rubella Antibody (IgM) | RUBM | (B) | 1 day | 92.00 |
Rubella PCR | RUBP | (A) / Amniotic Fluid | 5 days | 207.58 |
S100 Malignant Melanoma | S100 | (B) | 4 days | 158.70 |
Amyloidosis (Amyloid A Protein) | SAA | (B) | 5 days | 124.78 |
Salivary Duct Antibodies | SAB | (B) | 15 days | 71.88 |
Salicylates | SALI | (B) | 1 day | 67.28 |
Steroid Cell Antibody | SCA | (B) | 2 days | 111.55 |
Squamous Cell Carcinoma | SCC | (B) | 4 days | 243.23 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – PCR Swab | SCG | PCR | 2 days | 92.00 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Vaginal (Self-collect) | SCG | Aptima multisite swab | 2 days | 92.00 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – PCR Swab | SCGT | PCR | 2 days | 138.00 |
Scleroderma Immunoblot | SCLI | (B) | 3 days | 212.75 |
COVID-19 (SPIKE) Antibodies (Venous) | SCOV | SST/Serum (B) (Venous) | 1 day | 63.83 |
Crosslaps (Serum DPD) | SDPD | (B) (Freeze within 24 hours) | 4 days | 123.05 |
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) – Serum | SDPD | (B) (Freeze within 24 hours) | 4 days | 123.05 |
Selenium (Serum) (Venous) | SELE | (B) | 4 days | 88.55 |
Sellotape Test | SELL | Send Sample*** | 1 day | 96.60 |
Syphilis IgG/IgM (Venous) | SERJ | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Serotonin | SERT | (H)(H) (Frozen whole blood) [1] | 10 days | 155.25 |
Galactomanan (Aspergillus Antigen) | SGAL | (B) | 2 weeks | 190.33 |
Gonorrhoea – PCR swab | SGON | PCR | 2 days | 92.00 |
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – PCR Swab | SGTM | PCR Swab | 2 days | 138.00 |
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Venous) | SHBG | (B) | 1 day | 75.33 |
Silver (Blood) | SILV | (B) | 5 days | 124.78 |
Sirolimus | SIRO | (A) | 3 days | 154.10 |
Pemphigus/Pemphigoid Autoantibodies | SKAB | (B) | 2 days | 75.33 |
Skin (Pemphigus/Pemphigoid) Autoantibodies | SKAB | (B) | 2 days | 75.33 |
Swab (Skin) | SKIS | STM | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Serum Free Light Chains | SLC | (B) | 5 days | 376.05 |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy – SMN1 deletions/duplications | SMA | (A) [9] | 10 days | 567.53 |
Myoglobin (Serum) | SMYO | (B) | 1 day | 87.40 |
Superoxide Dismutase | SODI | (A) / (H) | 5 days | 123.05 |
IGF-1 (Somatomedin) | SOMA | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1 day | 113.28 |
Somatomedin (IGF-1) | SOMA | (B) (Frozen) [4] [7] | 1 day | 113.28 |
Chlamydia – PCR swab | SPCR | PCR | 2 days | 92.00 |
Sports/Performance Profile | SPOR | (A)(A)(A)(B)(B)(B)(B)(G)[K] [4] | 5 days | 635.38 |
Sputum for Routine Culture | SPU1 | SC | 2-4 days | 102.93 |
Sputum for TB Culture (AFB) | SPU2 | SC | up to 8 weeks | 102.93 |
TB Culture | SPU2 | SC | up to 8 weeks | 102.93 |
SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) | SRY | (A) [9] | 2 days | 234.03 |
STD1 M/F STD Quad (Urine and Serology) | STD1 | (B) FCRU | 2 days | 159.85 |
STD2 M/F STI Profile Plus (Urine and Serology) | STD2 | (B) FCRU (If culture swabs are needed please request separately) | 4 days | 456.55 |
STD3 Female STD Quad (PCR Swab and Serology) | STD3 | (B) PCR | 2 days | 159.85 |
STD4 Female STI Profile Plus (PCR Swab and Serology) | STD4 | (B) PCR (If culture swabs are needed please request separately) | 4 days | 456.55 |
STD5 Serology only | STD5 | (B) | 1 day | 174.80 |
STD6 Serology only without HIV | STD6 | (B) | 1 day | 163.88 |
STD8 Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab | STD8 | PCR and STM | 3 days | 172.50 |
Vaginitis/BV Profile (Culture & PCR) | STD8 | PCR and STM | 3 days | 172.50 |
Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab (Self-collect) | STD8 | Aptima multisite swab and Blue gel Amies swab | 3-5 days | 172.50 |
STD9 Symptomatic lesion sample using PCR Swab from lesion | STD9 | PCR Swab | 7 days | 150.07 |
HIV/HBV/HCV Screen by PCR/NAAT (10 days post exposure) | STDX | (A) 2 x 6mls or 2 x 4mls (Vacutainer only) | 3 days | 230.58 |
Strongyloides Antibodies | STGA | (B) | 10 days | 136.85 |
Stockholm3 | STK3 | (A) (A) | 2 weeks | 356.50 |
Stockholm3 Reflex | STKR | (A) (A) (B) | 2 weeks | 356.50 |
Striated/Skeletal Muscle Antibody | STRA | (B) | 3 days | 62.10 |
Streptomycin Levels | STRM | (F) | 5 days | 197.80 |
Stool Reducing Substances | STRS | RF [7] | 2-3 weeks | 63.25 |
Tryptase | STRY | (B) | 2 days | 181.13 |
Skin Antibodies by Immunofluorescence | STSK | (B) | 1 month | 282.90 |
HIV/HBV/HCV (Early detection by PCR/NAAT) with Syphilis | STXX | (B)(A) 2 x 6mls or 2 x 4mls | 3 days | 257.60 |
Sulpiride | SULP | (B) [4] | 4 days | 139.15 |
Synacthen Stimulation Test | SYNA | By appointment only | 1 day | 306.48 |
Syphilis by PCR (chancre) | SYPS | PCR | 5 days | 173.65 |
T3 | T3 | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Thyroxine (T4) | T4 | (B) | 1 day | 58.08 |
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (Coeliac) (Venous)** | TAA | (B) | 2 days | 76.47 |
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG | TAAG | (B) | 5 days | 90.28 |
Vitamin B12 (Total) | TB12 | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
TB (Pleural Fluid) | TBCU | SC | up to 8 weeks | 102.93 |
Thyroxine Binding Globulin | TBG | (B) (Frozen) | 10 days | 147.78 |
TB PCR (PCR detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and mutations for Rifampicin resistance) | TBPC | <span>All samples except blood cultures and urine, as clinically requested. </span> | 1 day | 228.85 |
TB Quantiferon®-TB Gold* | TBQ4 | Special tubes or (H) [1] | 3 days | 136.85 |
TB Slopes – Confirmation and Sensitivity | TBSL | TB slope (LJ medium-green) [6] | up to 8 weeks | 241.50 |
TB Culture (Urine) | TBUR | 3 x EMU | up to 8 weeks | 217.35 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Thin Prep | TCG | TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – Thin Prep | TCGT | TPV | 2 days | 138.00 |
T cell Clonality Assay (TCR beta and TCR gamma) | TCRA | (A) or FFPE | 2 weeks | 510.60 |
HIV Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | TDM | J [1] | 21 days | 319.13 |
Toxoplasma Antibody Full Evaluation (IgM, Dye Test, IgG Avidity) | TDYE | (B) [9] | 10 days | 172.50 |
Teicoplanin Assay | TEIC | (B) | 5 days | 139.15 |
Temazepam | TEMA | (B) [4] | 4 days | 154.10 |
Testosterone (Venous) | TEST | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
Tetanus Antibody | TETA | (B) | 5 days | 128.80 |
Thyroid Profile 1 (FT4/TSH) (Venous) | TF | (B) | 1 day | 88.55 |
Thyroid Profile 2 (Venous) | TF2 | (B) | 2 days | 0.00 |
Thyroid Profile 3 (FT3/FT4/TSH) (Venous) | TF3 | (B) | 1 day | 125.93 |
Toxoplasma Antibodies (IgG, IgM) | TFAM | (B) [9] | 1 day | 94.88 |
Toxocara Antibodies (IgG) | TFAT | (B) [9] | 5 days | 94.88 |
Faecal Fat (1 day collection) | TFFA | LF [6] | 5 days | 185.15 |
Bancroftia/Oncerciasis/Filarial Antibodies | TFIF | (B) [14] | 2 weeks | 196.65 |
Thyroglobulin Assay | TGA | (B) | 1 day | 111.55 |
Thyroglobulin Abs | TGAB | (B) | 1 day | 64.97 |
6-Thioguanine Nucleotides | TGN | (A)(A) | 2 weeks | 208.73 |
Gonorrhoea – Thin Prep | TGON | TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
N. gonorrhoea | TGON | TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – Thin Prep | TGTM | TPV | 2 days | 138.00 |
Thyroid Abs (Thyroglobulin + Thyroid Peroxidase Abs) (Venous) | THAB | (B) | 1 day | 105.80 |
Thallium (Blood) | THAL | (A) / (H) | 1 week | 90.28 |
Theophylline | THEO | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Thrombin Time | THRO | (C) [18] | 1 day | 40.25 |
Swab (Throat) | THRS | STM | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Immune Function Evaluation (Total) | TIE | (A) + (B) [5] [10] | 7 days | 424.93 |
Total Immune Function Evaluation | TIE | (A) + (B) [5] [10] | 7 days | 424.93 |
Tissue for culture | TISS | Tissue sample | up to 14 days | 102.93 |
Tumour Necrosis Factor – Alpha | TNF | (B) (Frozen) [4] | 2 weeks | 212.75 |
Tobramycin Assay (Provide Clinical Details) | TOBR | (H) | 3 days | 248.40 |
Toluene (Blood) | TOL | J (Contact Referrals) | 10 days | 171.35 |
Topiramate (Topamax) | TOPI | (B) [4] | 4 days | 132.25 |
Torch Screen | TORC | (B) | 2 days | 228.28 |
Tissue Polypeptide Antigen | TPA | (B) | 1 week | 208.73 |
Chlamydia – Thin Prep | TPCR | TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies/Anti TPO | TPEX | (B) | 1 day | 64.97 |
Thiopurine Methyl Transferase | TPMT | (A) [5] | 5 days | 173.65 |
TPHA | TPPA | (B) | 2 days | 46.58 |
Mineral Screen and Industrial Heavy Metal Screen (Trace Metals) | TRAC | (A)(B)(H)[K] | 7-10 days | 360.53 |
Trace Metal (Blood) Profile | TRAC | (A)(B)(H)[K] | 7-10 days | 360.53 |
Transferrin | TRAN | (B) | 1 day | 98.90 |
Transferrin Electrophoresis | TREL | (B) | 2 weeks | 317.40 |
Triglycerides | TRI | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Trichinella Serology | TRIC | (B) | 5 days | 119.03 |
Trimipramine | TRIM | (A) | 5 days | 110.40 |
Troponin I (High sensitive) | TROC | (B) | 1 day | 115.00 |
Tropical Screen (from 6 weeks post-travel) | TROP | (B)(B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 263.93 |
Troponin T (High sensitive) | TROT | (B) | 1 day | 124.78 |
HIV-1 Tropism | TRPM | (A)(A) (2 x 6ml) | 28 days | 1194.28 |
Sleeping Sickness Serology (African Trypanosomiasis) | TRYP | (B) [9] | 10 days | 239.78 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Throat (PCR) | TSCG | PCR | 2 days | 92.00 |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Throat (Self-collect) | TSCG | Aptima multisite swab | 2 days | 92.00 |
TSH (Venous) | TSH | (B) | 1 day | 63.25 |
TSH-Receptor Antibodies | TSI | (B) | 4 days | 190.33 |
Testicular Tumour Profile (LDH, AFP, HCQG) | TTP | (B) | 1 day | 154.10 |
Taipan Snake Venom Time | TTVT | (C)(C) [9] [18] | 2-3 weeks | 289.23 |
Tularaemia Antibodies | TULA | (B) [14] | 5 days | 123.05 |
Trichomonas vaginalis | TVPC | TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
Trichomonas vaginalis (PCR) | TVPC | FCRU / PCR / TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect) | TVPC | Aptima urine or multisite swab | 2 days | 106.95 |
Toxoplasma by PCR | TXAG | (A) | 5 days | 197.80 |
Urea and Electrolytes | U/E | (B) | 1 day | 64.97 |
Urate (Uric acid) | UA | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Uric Acid (Serum) | UA | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Amino Acid Quantitative (Urine) | UAAQ | RU (Frozen) | 7 days | 414.58 |
Alcohol (Urine) | UALC | RU | 1 day | 97.75 |
Aldosterone (Urine) | UALD | PU | 5 days | 161.00 |
Amylase (Urine) | UAMY | CU | 1 day | 59.23 |
Beta 2 Microglobulin (Urine) | UB2M | RU | 3 days | 125.93 |
Urinary Bladder Cancer Antigen | UBC | RU (Freeze within 48 hours)** | 5 days | 106.95 |
Calcium (24 hour Urine) | UCA | PU or acid urine | 1 day | 38.53 |
Catecholamines (Urine) | UCAT | PU (collect on acid) [1] | 5 days | 181.13 |
Urine Chemistry, Microscopy and Culture (Self-collect) | UCEM | Urine (Universal & Boric). Mid stream. | 1-2 days | 78.78 |
Urine for Microscopy and Culture | UCEM | MSU †††† | 1-2 days | 78.78 |
Citrate (Urine) | UCIT | CU (Frozen) | 5 days | 105.80 |
Cocaine (Urine) Screen | UCOC | RU | 1 day | 36.23 |
Cortisol (Urine) | UCOR | CU | 5 days | 90.28 |
Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Urine) | UCPR | RU | 1 day | 88.55 |
Creatinine (Urine) | UCR | CU | 1 day | 48.30 |
Urine Sugar Chromatography | UCRO | RU (Frozen) | 3 weeks | 211.60 |
Urine for Extended Culture | UCXD | MSU †††† | up to 7 days | 169.05 |
DHEA – Urine (Dehydroepiandrosterone) | UDHE | CU | 3 weeks | 119.03 |
Electrolytes (Urine) | UELE | CU | 1 day | 50.03 |
Fluoride (Urine) | UFL | RU | 5 days | 138.00 |
Ureaplasma urealyticum by PCR | UGEN | FCRU / PCR / TPV | 2 days | 106.95 |
Urinary Methyl Histamine | UHIT | RU (Frozen) | 2 weeks | 148.93 |
Hydroxyprolene | UHYD | CU | 2 weeks | 114.43 |
Iodide – Urine | UIOD | RU | 1 week | 159.85 |
Urine Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio | UMA | RU | 1 day | 88.55 |
Melatonin (Urine) | UMEL | CU [13] | 2 weeks | 166.75 |
Metanephrines (Urine) | UMEX | PU (collect on acid) [1] | 5 days | 172.50 |
Urine (Microscopy Only) | UMIC | RU | 1 day | 60.38 |
Urine Chemistry and Microscopy (Self-collect) | UMIC | Urine (Universal). Mid stream. | 1-2 days | 60.38 |
Myoglobin (Urine) | UMYO | RU | 5-10 days | 123.05 |
Oligosaccharides | UOLI | RU | 6 weeks | 274.85 |
Opiate Screen (Urine) | UOPI | RU | 2 days | 69.00 |
Urine Organic Acids | UORG | RU (Frozen) | 3 weeks | 345.58 |
Oxalate (Urine) | UOXA | PU | 5 days | 103.50 |
Phosphate (24 hour Urine) | UPH | PU | 1 day | 50.03 |
Protein (Urine) | UPRT | CU | 1 day | 48.30 |
Cadmium (Urine) | URCD | RU [30] | 5 days | 96.03 |
Chromium (Urine) | URCR | RU [30] | 4 weeks | 84.53 |
Copper (Urine) | URCU | CU | 5 days | 71.88 |
Urine Cytology (Urine cytology containers available from TDL Supplies) | URCY | Urine (30mls) [21] | 2 days | 174.23 |
Urea (Venous) | UREA | (B) | 1 day | 38.53 |
Swab (Urethral) | URES | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Mercury (Urine) | URHG | RU [1] | 5 days | 96.03 |
Magnesium (Urine) | URMG | PU | 1 day | 55.20 |
Lead (Urine) | URPB | RU | 5 days | 71.88 |
Thallium (Urine) | URTH | RU | 1 week | 90.28 |
Zinc (Urine) | URZN | CU | 5 days | 63.25 |
Bilharzia (Urine) | USCH | Mid-morning terminal urine following exercise [14] | 1-2 days | 84.53 |
Schistosoma (Urine) | USCH | Mid-morning terminal urine following exercise [14] | 1-2 days | 84.53 |
Serotonin (Urine) | USER | PU 50mls (Frozen) [1] | 5 days | 185.15 |
Silver (Urine) | USIL | RU | 5 days | 124.78 |
Urine Steroid Screen (Steroid Hormones) | USTE | CU [9] | 2 weeks | 967.73 |
Trichloracetic Acid (Urine) | UTCA | RU | 5 days | 166.75 |
Toluene (Urine) | UTOL | RU | 10 days | 220.80 |
Urea (Urine) | UURE | CU | 1 day | 38.53 |
Uric Acid (Urine) | UURI | CU | 1 day | 51.18 |
VMA | UVMA | PU [1] | 5 days | 87.40 |
Xylene – Urine | UXYL | RU [30] | 2 weeks | 124.78 |
Swab (Vaginal) | VAGS | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Valproic Acid (Epilim) | VALP | (B) | 1 day | 66.13 |
Vancomycin Hydrochloride | VANC | (B) | 1 day | 110.40 |
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) | VB5S | (B) | 5 days | 159.85 |
Vitamin B Profile | VBP | (A)(A)(B) | 5 days | 546.83 |
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor | VEGF | (B) | 14 days | 261.63 |
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) | VIB2 | (A) | 5 days | 184.00 |
Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) | VIB3 | (B) | 5 days | 184.00 |
Vigabatrin (Sabril) | VIGA | (A) | 10 days | 132.25 |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Profile | VIP1 | (A) + (B) [10] | 5 days | 470.35 |
Viral Antibody Screen | VIRA | (B)(B) | 2 days | 218.50 |
Viscosity (Plasma) | VISC | (A)* [4] | 3 days | 69.00 |
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) | VIT1 | (A) | 5 days | 184.00 |
Vitamin Profile 2 | VIT2 | (A)(A)(A) [38] (B)(B)[7] [13] | 5 days | 570.98 |
Vitamin A (Retinol) | VITA | (B) | 5 days | 184.00 |
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) | VITB | (A) | 5 days | 184.00 |
Vitamin C (Active) | VITC | (B) (spun and frozen within 3 hours)* | 5 days | 184.00 |
Vitamin D (25-OH) (Venous) | VITD | (B) | 1 day | 96.03 |
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) | VITE | (B) | 5 days | 192.63 |
Vitamin Profile 1 | VITS | (A)(B)(B) [7] | 5 days | 380.65 |
Vitamin K (Nutritional) | VKN | Serum (SST or (B)) * | 5 days | 104.65 |
Very Long Chain Fatty Acids | VLCF | (A) or (H) (Frozen) [9] | 4-6 weeks | 366.85 |
VLDL Cholesterol | VLDL | (B) [13] | 1 week | 98.90 |
Voltage Gated Potassium Channel Antibodies | VPCA | (B) | 3 weeks | 225.98 |
CSF Screen by PCR | VPCR | CSF | 2 days | 147.78 |
Viral Eye by PCR | VPE | PCR | 3 days | 147.78 |
Viral Respiratory RNA Screen by PCR | VPR | PCR or as specified on the form | 2 days | 377.20 |
Viral Respiratory RNA Screen by PCR (Self-collect) | VPR | Aptima multisite swab of nose/throat | 2 days | 377.20 |
Viral Skin/Mucosa by PCR | VPSK | PCR | 5 days | 132.25 |
Swab (Vulval) | VULV | STM / CS | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Von Willebrands Multimers | VWM | (C)(C)(C) [18] | 3 months | 728.53 |
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgM) | VZOM | (B) | 1 day | 92.00 |
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgG) | VZOS | (B) | 1 day | 92.00 |
Varicella zoster – DNA | VZPC | (A) | 5 days | 328.33 |
West Nile Virus Abs | WNV | (B) | 2 weeks | 281.75 |
Swab (Wound) | WOUS | STM | 2-4 days | 93.15 |
Xanthine – Blood | XANB | (A) | 2 weeks | 125.93 |
Beta D Glucan | XBDG | (B) | 3 days | 150.07 |
DNA Extraction & Storage – 3 years (longer upon request) | XDNA | (A) [9] | 20 days | 212.18 |
Chromosome Y Deletion – AZFa, AZFb, AZFc + SRY | YDEL | (A) [9] | 5 days | 291.52 |
Y chromosome microdeletions – AZFa + AZFb + AZFc + SRY | YDEL | (A) [9] | 5 days | 291.52 |
Yellow Fever Antibodies | YELL | (B) [9] [14] | 10 days | 206.43 |
Yersinia Antibodies | YERS | (B) | 4 days | 208.73 |
Zika RT PCR – Window of detection from 1-7 days from onset of symptoms | ZIKA | (B) | Up to 14 days | 262.77 |
Zika RT PCR – Window of detection from 1-14 days from onset of symptoms | ZIKU | RU | Up to 14 days | 262.77 |
Zinc (Serum) | ZINC | [K] | 2 days | 59.23 |
Zika Abs IgM and IgG – Antibody detection from 15 days | ZKAB | (B) | Up to 14 days | 148.93 |
Alternaria Components | ZZ1 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Fish Components | ZZ10 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Hazelnut Components | ZZ11 | (B) | 2 days | 196.65 |
House Dust Mite Components | ZZ12 | (B) | 2 days | 156.40 |
Latex Components | ZZ13 | (B) | 2 days | 346.73 |
Olive Components | ZZ14 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Peach Components | ZZ15 | (B) | 2 days | 156.40 |
Peanut Components | ZZ16 | (B) | 2 days | 233.45 |
Shrimp Components | ZZ17 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Soybean Components | ZZ18 | (B) | 2 days | 156.40 |
Timothy Grass Components | ZZ19 | (B) | 2 days | 346.73 |
Aspergillus Components | ZZ2 | (B) | 2 days | 233.45 |
Birch Components | ZZ3 | (B) | 2 days | 196.65 |
Brazil Components | ZZ4 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Cat Components | ZZ5 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Celery Components | ZZ6 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Cow’s Milk Components | ZZ7 | (B) | 2 days | 233.45 |
Dog Components | ZZ8 | (B) | 2 days | 156.40 |
Egg Components | ZZ9 | (B) | 2 days | 233.45 |
Wall Pellitory Components | ZZ20 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Wheat Components | ZZ21 | (B) | 2 days | 158.70 |
PR-10 Proteins | ZZ22 | (B) | 2 days | 315.10 |
Lipid Transfer Proteins | ZZ23 | (B) | 2 days | 274.85 |
Profilins | ZZ24 | (B) | 2 days | 311.08 |
Polcalcins | ZZ25 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Seed Storage Proteins | ZZ26 | (B) | 2 days | 308.20 |
Glycan Determinants | ZZ27 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Lipocalins | ZZ28 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Parvalbumins | ZZ29 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Serum Albumins | ZZ30 | (B) | 2 days | 230.58 |
Tropomyosins | ZZ31 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Kiwi Components | ZZ32 | (B) | 2 days | 76.47 |
Venom Components | ZZ33 | (B) | 2 days | 188.03 |
Walnut Components | ZZ34 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Cashew Components | ZZ35 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Apple Components | ZZ36 | (B) | 2 days | 119.03 |
Alpha Gal Components (related to red meat) | ZZ37 | (B) | 2 days | 81.08 |
Horse Components | ZZ38 | (B) | 2 days | 46.58 |
Sesame Components | ZZ39 | (B) | 2 days | 46.58 |
You can contact us on 02070434318 to book an appointment for any of the above-listed test.