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Coeliac Disease Testing

Gluten Blood Test For Diagnosing Celiac Disease

Coeliac disease (Celiac disease) is an autoimmune health condition that causes the immune system to recognise healthy tissues as foreign substances, thereby attacking and destroying these healthy tissues (mainly tissues in the digestive tract). Coeliac disease is similar to other autoimmune conditions such as Lupus, Diabetes (type I), and Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmune hypothyroidism).

Coeliac disease is a common condition in the UK. It affects 1 in 100 persons usually developing in early childhood (8 – 12 months) and adulthood (40 – 60 years).

In Coeliac disease, the immune system attacks the components of gluten damaging the surface of the intestine. This damage affects the ability of the intestines to absorb nutrients. Coeliac disease is said to be caused by both genetic and environmental factors.

Gluten is a constituent of three types of cereal plants — wheat, barley, and rye. These cereal plants are used to make bread, cakes cereal foods and beer.

Symptoms of Coeliac disease

Most times, Coeliac disease is misdiagnosed for other gut-related conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome because of the similarity in symptoms. The symptoms for this disease are

  • Diarrhoea
  • Bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Flatulence

If coeliac disease is left untreated, it could lead to other severe symptoms like

  • Lack of energy
  • Skin rash (Dermatitis Herpetiformis)
  • Itchy rash mainly on the knees and elbow. This symptom occurs only for 1 in 5 persons
  • Malnourishment because the body is unable to absorb food
  • Reduction in height and weight in children who become malnourished

Treatment of Coeliac Disease

Presently, no cure has been found for this disease but it can be managed by eating a gluten-free diet. Gluten is a non-essential protein which has many other alternatives. If you notice that you have a bad reaction to food containing gluten, you can visit London GP clinic for testing, but you have to continue eating foods that contain gluten until the test to ensure that the test result is accurate.

Coeliac Disease Testing

The test for this disease is primarily done with blood samples; however, some doctors may recommend a biopsy of the small intestine. At the London GP Clinic, we offer different types of tests for Coeliac disease.

  • Gluten sensitivity evaluation (Coeliac’s disease antibody)
  • Gluten allergy profile
  • Coeliac disease profile2
  • Coeliac disease profile 3

The table below contains information on the different Coeliac tests we offer, their cost, how long it takes to get the test result, and the parameters involved in each test.

Type of Coeliac test

Cost excluding consultation fee

Result availability


Gluten sensitivity test (Coeliac’s disease antibody) Code:GSA


2 days

-Endomysial IgA

-Reticulin IgA

-Gliadin IgA + IgG

-Total IgA

-Tissue Transglutaminase (IgA)

Coeliac disease profile 2 Code: GSA2


10 days

-Endomysial IgA

-Reticultin IgA

-Gliadin IgA and IgA

-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA


-Total IgA

Coeliac disease HLA DQ2/DQ8 GEnotype Code: Q2Q8


10 days

-Tissue Transglutaminase (IgA)


-Total IgA

Call London GP Clinic today on 020 70434318 to schedule an appointment or visit our clinic at suite 15, 117A Harley Street, London, W1G 6AT for your Coeliac disease testing.

* A blood draw fee of £50 is payable for blood tests, urine tests and swabs carry no surcharge.